Patriots 2
Stickmen 1

Lone Star Imports 3
Grave Diggers 0
The returning Hitmen (who have now re-branded themselves as an auto dealer) strike hard and often in this battle royale. In the first Ellis tries to prevent the puck from moving in front of the post, but Kuo manages to muscle the puck in for the first tally of the game. In the second a shanked shot from the top of the slot is redirected high blocker past Ellis by Gabe Rivera. Not long after that, Levesque follows the rebound off her breakaway attempt an gets her unassisted first goal of the session out of the way. The third was all Ellis, he secures the Digger's defeat with stellar, meaningless play allowing no goals in the final eleven minutes. The Diggers are DONE! It wasn't that long ago that this team was clamoring for an I-league minor, the Yock delivers and the Diggers choke again.
Komets 3?
Brewzers 1?

The Brew Crew scored first and made as if they were the '98 Stars, riding the goal out until the end of the game. Unfortunately, they are not the '98 Stars. They hold-up through the third period but the Komets are building on last session's successes, they score two or possibly three goals with the inspiring words of coach Al. Coach Al was quoted after the game, "These Komets are poised to take the Keg this session. With consistent offensive outings of two or possibly three goals and my inspiring words, who can stop us?". The Brewzers are DONE! The top four finish of last session was proven to be a mirage in the play-offs, and the trend will continue throughout this session as well.
Ice Bats 11
DFW Titans 2

The Titans were strong in the opening innings, working the count, manufacturing runs, but the high octane Ice Bats, fresh from Austin, are stacked in the back half of their line-up. The seventh alone was comprised of three Bat home runs with six runs all together. When Ice Bat closer, John McNabb, took the bottom of the ninth with three outs on four batters, the work-a-day Titans were left to pick up the pieces of their season, even as this is game one. The Titans are DONE! This team will no longer be the bride, the bride's maid, or even invited to the reception.
Blue Devils 2
Snipers 1

Puckers 0
Chiefs 0

In the first round, the Chiefs were ablaze firing-off lightning fast combinations, catching the Puckers off balance with a hard left at the end. Time after time the Puckers tried to wait out the eager young Chiefs with the rope-a-dope, the plan paid off in the fourth as the tired Chiefs made for the finishing left they were caught in the ribs with a Pucker right. The Chiefs lost their bravado and proved not to be able to fight a cautious bout, they could not answer the bell in the eleventh and the Puckers get the TKO. In the press box, the bickering betwixt Stone Cold and Ginger quickly evolved into a palpable sexual tension. The Puckers and Chiefs are both DONE!
Team Euless 3
Silverwings 1

Ladies and gentleman, may I direct your attention to the center ring. How many clowns are there in this tiny little locker room? Bryan Brookman and his staff have entertained the crowned heads of Europe with this same juggling routine. Observe the spectacle of the two headed goalie! The roaring you hear from the cage, the ill-tempered Sergio Castillo, which no man can tame. The high flying Super Girl, carrying all the hopes of the Wing offense. . . The Silverwings are DONE! What is this team Euless thing? This session's Moose?

The Privateers played the Whalers earlier in the week, I understand. A bunch of Pirates versus a bunch of Big Fisherman, I don't know. In Moby Dick, the whale killed all of the whalers except one. In the Swiss Family Robinson, I remember the line from Francis, "I see a Pirate getting SQUISHED!", I guess both of these teams are DONE!
My prediction: Blue Devils lose to the Pats in the Keg finals.
P.S. Is this a good name for a kid's toy?
nice prediction for the final. Looks like people might need to take back all their complaints about ringers on the Blue Devil's team. No ringer's there.
Only half the team showed up, you know...12 players.
What happened to the ice holes?
The Brewzers/Komets game was Komets: 2, Brewzers: 1. We were short handed. As far as us being done, I think it's silly for you to think you can predict an entire season after one game. A game that we all fought hard. I think it says something when the number four team can shut out a constant keg competitor for 50 minutes.
"I think it's silly for you to think you can predict an entire season after one game"
i think it is silly that you take exception to anything posted on this site...
touche. :)
The Ice Holes moved up like the blue Devils should!
The slip 'n' dip combo? It's a great name for a children's toy. It's just teaching them about the real world.
i cna't wait for the picture of the 'bounce 'n' box' to come out
the Ice Holes that "moved up" were already D-league players who were playing down, if you look it up they played there last season as well
no one really cares who plays up and who plays down
Fifty minutes!?
Privateers 4 Whalers 0...29 shots to 4
who can't beat the whalers?? At least they look pretty.
I think BCiii is lampooning the presidential election, which is already being called by some people, when he says that a team is 'Done!'. I don't think he is predicting anything.
Puckers 2
Chiefs 1
are they both done as well?
The puckers had ringers.
"The puckers had ringers."...
I've been telling you guys that for a few sessions now. Geeze... you just now figured that out? ~ Stoned Cold
Yockey Pull your haed out and post the game times! So we can make planes for the weekend!
Hey Jackass! I didn't write the comment above, bitchin about ringers!
Stone cold is the "JACK ASS"
1:32 PM
Rumor has it his was written by the Stickmen
"So we can make planes for the weekend!"
didn't know boeing sponsored a team
Rumor has it his was written by the Stickmen or "this" ?
Look at the school teacher ! The need to use spell check ?
what is ROLF?
the dog from the muppetts
Do you have a spell checker?
Rolf Benirschke used to kick for the San Diego Chargers!
I would like to discuss with you all this new 'rule' where if a player comes in to fill-in for a missing player on a 2nd team, Yockey is requiring a $10 fee.
The point I would like to make is that the ice-time has already been paid for if you are acting as a sub, so why would there be an additional charge?
Hockey Whore or not, this seems a bit like a ploy to squeeze more money out of the players rather than an 'equalizer' to keep teams from bringing in ringers.
What do you all think about this?
I think the fee is fine. Teams mostly only get the better players as subs anyway. If you cannot get a full roster then collapse your team. If you can't get skaters to show up, collapse your team. I like the idea of having a roster and 2 named subs....whatever happened to that?
Also, remember that the Stars are running a business and we live in a capitalistic country. If they can get someone to pay the $10 more power to them.
i think that is fair. why should other players get to play for free? lets use easy math. if everyone has to pay $200 for x amount of hours of ice per session, but you skate as a sub on another team everyone, shouldn't you be obligated to pay for your ice time?
i did all the poops
Why do we have to wait so f##king long to get your schedules?
The $10 should go to the team using the sub, not the rink that is already been paid and the nickle nuts who can't put a schedule out more than 2 days in advance.
Yes Ken... it's me.
Why? Some rinks give your whole schedule on your first practice!
WHOA! Ginger is crying! Shocker!
wwwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhh. I have no balls and can't write anything else let alone my name on a post. wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. I suck at hockey and have to hide behind internet posts about other people. wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. I keep putting anonymous for my name.
I don't have the balls to tell people who I am.
P.S. Let me put the D#$k back in
my mouth.
This is not GINGER BY THE WAY.
where's your name?
Did 6:44 just complain about anonymous posts in an anonymous post? Awesome.
Check out this soap box:
I agree with Wil on the paying for Ice time that has already been bought. Yockey has clamped down on the finances, securing his money before the session gets started which is understandable. The coordinators had to pull alot of things together (at the last minute) to make the new regulations and then to be penalized on your roster for not also getting all of your paid players to the rink, doesn't make much sense. If you are a hired gun, free-agent type, with no roster spot on any team and you want to play on a week to week basis, then Yockey should collect a fee, like for a drop-in session, to play on the team that Yockey determines needs that player's presence that night. But, if the coordinator wants to get their own player, that they chose then how can Yockey go in for more cash? Having said all that, it is his ice. . .
I don't understand why I have to get all of my ducks in a row and I can't get a schedule before the session starts. Maybe I'm whining a little but I really wanted to do some game by game predictions. . .
Speaking of whining, the "fake" Ginger comments are getting a little tired. The degree of cleverness in the comments fades with every repeated "w". "Fake" Stone Cold still has some legs. . .
That is the point brilliant one! See how awesome it looks? I like the shit talking but the Fake Ginger is getting old. Either let the world know who you are or just give it up.
Gingers crying isn't fake.
Like I said... Jackass! ~ Stoned Cold
Assuming each team on the ice at once has 15 players and HAS paid their fees, then I don't see it as "Yockey's" Ice. It's my ice, my team's ice, the other team's ice, because that is what I (we, collectively) paid for. That sums to the tune of around $300 per game, per team. If my team is missing players (not the Blue Devils, we could lose 15 and still have a full bench) then I feel it only fair for the team to be able to fill those missing players spots without being penalized.
I do understand the $10 fee for players substituting on teams who have not fulfilled the team fee. That Ice is still partially "Yockey's." For all intents and purposes, he could charge subs the $19 per game fee we are all paying, so there is a discount there.
If the issue is rink rats who don't have a team, then let's go back to the "subs" list someone commented about above.
In closing, I'd like to say that Yockey does a pretty decent job with this league. As someone who has played in multiple Stars Centers across the metroplex, this one is by far the most organized. I also heard that part of the reason the schedule isn't out is because he is waiting on certain teams to pay their fees. He's trying to give them the extra time... good deeds never go unpunished. snoogins...
**Fee figures could be off a dollar or two, but you get the point.
Sounds reasonable
"He's trying to give them the extra time... "
Imagine the lines if Krogers did the same thing.
hey I shop at Krogers....
Yockey owes like, at ton of money to the Russian mob for heroin. He NEEDS your sub fees. To live.
Like,no way dude !
Last time the Russian mob was at the rink was when that D Leaguer got his ear cut off during a game!
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