Dear friends, a conspiracy of events -- youth hockey camps, namely -- has left us out in the cold recently. Drop-in hockey times are few and far between, it seems, especially for working stiffs who can't play at noon on a weekday. Even if you can, you're out of luck this week. Take at look at the Euless drop-in schedule.
So, here's to you, Mr. Working Stiff Bad Hockey Player.
Just for you, we're resurrecting the old drop-in hockey roundup. Here's where to find ice time this week around the greater Euless-and-environs metropolis. If anyone is interested in forming an I-D league flashmob at one of these pickup times, leave a COMMENT below. (Subliminal message: Sunday night at Euless might be good.)
For week of Aug. 6-12 (Sun.-to-Sat.)
Euless StarCenter: There's a drop-in Sunday (also the following Sunday) from 8:45 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. There is NO NOONTIME drop-in until Friday. That's it for the week.
Farmers Branch StarCenter: Noontime drop-in every weekday but Thursday. Adult stick and puck is Tuesday-Wed.-Thurs. from 7 a.m. to 8:30. On Friday, there's always a good drop-in from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Duncanville StarCenter: Noontime drop-in every weekday but Thursday. There's a drop-in at 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 p.m. Monday, 9 p.m. Thursday.
Ice Training Center (Richardson): There's drop-in at 10 p.m. Sunday, 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. on weekdays (Wednesday is a good crowd but a tough game.), and there's a 35-and-up dropin on Friday night at 9 p.m.
Grapevine StarCenter: There's sticktime every weekday morning from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and pickup every Friday and Saturday from 9:45 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Note: All this info is according to their websites. There are links here on the homepage; check the right side of your screen, Einstein. Please check for changes before you go. Otherwise, don't blame us for goofy rink schedule changes.