Self professed hockey mom, Sarah Palin, is drawing the attention of politicos and milf hunters alike, even here in Dallas, where she received a special Stars jersey from the team. Should we draw any conclusions on the fate of our hockey hopes based on her ultimate success or failure in the election? I doubt her connection to the team is strong enough to draw any parallels, but as Palin's public ratings slide, the pre-season rolls on. . .
Stars hockey is fast approaching and the pre-season is not making me feel especially conifident. I do take solace in the fact that the full roster has been present for all of no games, and it is only PRE-season. There is much to look forward to. Turco continues to prove that he is one of the best goaltenders in the league (I say, he is the best). James Neal, who lead our prospect team to a tournament victory in Traverse City this summer, may see a significant amount of time our roster. And, let's not forget Sean Avery. Like him or not, the eristic forward is sure to make this an interesting season to say the least.
And finally at the extreme opposite end of the talent spectrum, the fall session is underway. Yes, practice is technically part of the session. I made it to my scheduled events, but it appears that not many others placed much priority on building their skills. The player to coach ratio for the Pats was 2:1, most people would be paying three or four hundred dollars an hour for this kind of personal instruction (instruction, that word sounds so familiar). I don't have any totals for the remaining teams.
And coming soon, a new feature for SNH. I received an e-mail from Mel "Supergirl" Knourek who thought it might be a good idea to put the spotlight on some of the women of I-league, find out what it is that draws them into this male dominated sport and I thought it might work. A picture might even make it work more better-er. My tentative title would be. . . "Body Check: the women of SNH". If you have any suggestions for this venture, leave me a comment or e-mail, so that I can ignore it. I wonder who should be the first subject? Mel? Ginger? Val? Ryan? Hmm, so much potential for controversy.

See you at next week's practice, right?