The new hockey director at DPSC Euless is Tom Yockey, a Yankee with some impressive credentials in youth hockey. Yockey now coaches the Southlake Carroll High School team while also managing hockey programs at DPSC Farmers Branch.

Before that, the Portage, Wisc., native and Eastern Michigan University grad worked in Michigan. He coached the vaunted Little Ceasars AAA club (Mike Modano and Steve Ott played for this club) in Detroit for four years before founding another Midget Major AAA team. Other jobs included high school coach in Pinckney. Yockey played Junior A hockey for the Detroit Jr. Red Wings in 1985-88.
Apparently, a lot of the info Knute used to run his program wasn't written down, so his former boss and others are left to put the pieces together. Their first step -- which shows you how screwed up things are right now -- is to figure out who coordinates the teams.
They have called a meeting for all adult league coordinators for Tuesday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Crossbar. Beer and pizza will be provided. Yockey will be there, along with his boss, Keith Andresen, director of hockey at all the StarCenters, and Andresen's boss, Ed Reusch, poobah of all the StarCenters.
They will be there "to discuss the season, playoffs, summer program and anything else you have on your mind. We welcome your ideas," they said in a flyer posted at the rink. I'm betting they will get an earful about scheduling, organization, communication and ... ringers.
Sources say Knute's wife, power skating instructor Jennifer Anderson, also has left the rink. She will run figure skating programs at Blue Line when it reopens. As for Knute, we have heard unpleasant stories (rumors?) about his departure, but we shall not repeat them.
I will say only this: He had his faults as a manager (ever try and reach him on the phone?), but he loves hockey, and he did a lot at DPSC to help grow the game. He built one hell of a thriving program at Euless -- 16 I-league teams and 12 in D-League!?! Outrageous! -- and he helped stoke a love for the game in many an over-the-hill beginner, including Yours Truly.
Best of luck, Knute, and thanks for what you did in Euless. Schedule us some good pickup times at Blue Line!