So, if you're looking for that extra edge without exerting yourself in anyway, this could be just for you.
In what I hope will be a popular regular feature, we've hosted two hockey chicks-of-the-month. On a blanket request for interesting show and tell photos, I got visual confirmation that Miss January enjoys doggy style. . .

What? Double on tawn what? I don't know what you're talking about. . .
Here's a contribution from the much maligned Bob Sirkis, Sr. Step inside the head of the diminutive sire of a gaggle of hockey savants:
Bob Sirkis. . .
Why I Play Hockey
Have you ever thought about why you play hockey? I had not until the recent Silver and Goals Tournament.
At first I thought I played hockey because it is fun and I have a great time playing. I play on the Euless I-League Grave Diggers; many believe we are better at digging graves than playing hockey. That may be true but we have a heck of a lot of fun.
Then I thought ‘it is great exercise’, hockey keeps me in some semblance of shape, and that is important since I had a triple bypass- or as ‘Doc’ would say a cabbage, when I was 36. Doctors say exercise is very important to good heart health. Running (no matter what ‘Sticky Saves’ says), walking, or Stair Masters just won’t cut it.
Then I thought ‘If I play hockey, the boys have to listen to me when I tell them what to do’. If you have seen me play and seen my boys play you know what a joke that is. I have three speeds: Slow, slower, and slowest. I have played all positions on the ice, including the boards, the sin bin, and goalie. How I survive is anyone’s guess.
My oldest son, Bobby, coaches my I-league team, well- he says it's coaching, I think he just gets ninety minutes to tell off the old man. He does tailor his advice to my game, I guess. My two favorites are:
When he's coaching my team- “Go wide and slow down!” of course I thinking “if I go any slower, I’ll stop”.
Then when he is on the other bench- “See the guy with the red helmet? He plays ‘D’. Dump the puck, you will wear him out.”
The Grave Digger's back-up goalie is my son Jake, who at age 7 ½, skates backwards in his goalie equipment faster than I will ever skate forward. And of course he is laughing all the way saying “come on Daddy, anybody can skate backwards”. Or, on the rare occasion when I play goalie his favorite refrain “Guard the post!”
For the last few years I have been fortunate to play in the annual Christmas Tournament put on by the Dr. Pepper Star Centers. It is a tournament I look forward to because I get to play with some excellent hockey players and have a great time. These players are Bobby, Tommy, and Jake- who for the first time joined the tournament team as back-up goalie. One thing in life anyone (Ryan Smith) needs to remember is there are no secrets when a 7 ½ year old is around. During one of the games I took a penalty. Bobby was going to say something but before he could say anything Jake was all over me:
“That was a stupid penalty! They just scored! You cost the goalie a shutout! I’m so mad at you. . . I’m telling Mom when we get home!”
Everyone on the ice was laughing, both benches, score keeper, even Olsen took pity on me.
Playing on a line with Bobby and Tommy you might think I would have scored. Well, I have three speeds remember? Slow, Slower, and Slowest. They can only do Russian circles so long.
Anyway the Christmas Tournament is one thing I look forward to every year. I get to play hockey with my boys and have a great time doing so. That is why I play Hockey!
Bob Sirkis (Sr).
Tommy, Bobby, Jake, and Bob Sirkis- 2008 Silver and Goals