Arlington, Tx - Federal Agents raided Warriors headquarters in Arlington approximately 8:48am on Friday morning under the suspicion on espionage, sabotage, foul play and heresy against the pope.
Officials are claiming the warriors hockey organization illegally stole financial documents, plays, game film as well as attempted sabotage of team transport, equipment and a possible premeditated assassinations plans of several key Patriots players and coaching staff.
A special agent with the FBI, who spoke on the condition on anonymity, said, "We were issued a search warrant for the retrieval of several documents as well as photographs, contraband, and video tapes which could be held in courts as evidence of foul play if they are indeed found."
From Warriors head coach, Dallas Lehr, "Until they actually find any documents, they have nothing on us. But I can't believe they can't be bribed."
The Patriots organization has little to say about the incident, however team owner Jeff Vaughan did comment briefly on the ordeal.
"I'm taking names".
Former Warriors Coach Bobby Sirkis was appalled at the report, "I am disappointed how far the organization has fallen since I left as coach. There would not be this embarrassment on the franchise. We never got caught when I was coaching."
Lehr also stated, "I know for a fact now that this league is rigged and strongly feel that (Tom) Yockey has something to do with this."
Yockey was unavailable for comment.
No word how this will affect Saturday's Patriots/Warriors match up.