The Wolverines and Brewzers each skated the Stanley Keg Saturday. Bobby Sirkis (photo above) got the hat trick in the Wolverines' 5-2 victory over the Stickmen. The Brewzers defeated the Blue Devils 2-0 in the other title game. Matt Walker and Milton Highfill scored for the champs.
In other games:
Stingers 4, Redrum 3 (shootout): This one went deep into the shootout, perhaps seven skaters to a side. We lost count. A great finish to start the night.
Snipers 3, Spiders 1: Jeff Thomas scored twice for the Snipers.
Fugaweez 4, Ice Holes 2
Patriots 6, Phantoms 1
Spuds 6, Puckers 5: Spuds get their first victory.
And a good time was had by all in the bar afterward ... Good season, folks.