The Wolverines and Brewzers each skated the Stanley Keg Saturday. Bobby Sirkis (photo above) got the hat trick in the Wolverines' 5-2 victory over the Stickmen. The Brewzers defeated the Blue Devils 2-0 in the other title game. Matt Walker and Milton Highfill scored for the champs.
In other games:
Stingers 4, Redrum 3 (shootout): This one went deep into the shootout, perhaps seven skaters to a side. We lost count. A great finish to start the night.
Snipers 3, Spiders 1: Jeff Thomas scored twice for the Snipers.
Fugaweez 4, Ice Holes 2
Patriots 6, Phantoms 1
Spuds 6, Puckers 5: Spuds get their first victory.
And a good time was had by all in the bar afterward ... Good season, folks.
you're my boy brew!
you should give a reminder of the sign up deadline for the next season, because the starcenter website sure didn't. Thanks great site.
SPUDS were decommisioned two weeks ago.
Komets are 1-0.
Hell yes. the Komets have hearts of champions and will be serious contenders this season, now that the house has been cleaned.
The house was more than cleaned.
It was torn down and we moved on up to the eastside.
07/08 Sat. 715PM Green Phantoms Wolverines Practice
07/08 Sat. 830PM Green Komets Blue Devils Practice
07/08 Sat. 900PM Gold Patriots Brewzers Practice
07/08 Sat. 945PM Green Stickmen Ice Holes Practice
07/08 Sat. 1015PM Gold Snipers Stingers Practice
07/08 Sat. 1100PM Green Spiders REDRUM Practice
07/08 Sat. 1130PM Gold Fugaweez Puckers Practice
07/15 Sat. 715PM Green Fugaweez Stickmen Game
07/15 Sat. 830PM Green Phantoms Ice Holes Game
07/15 Sat. 900PM Gold Wolverines Snipers Game
07/15 Sat. 945PM Green Komets Stingers Game
07/15 Sat. 1015PM Gold Puckers Spiders Game
07/15 Sat. 1100PM Green Blue Devils REDRUM Game
07/15 Sat. 1130PM Gold Patriots Brewzers Game
07/22 Sat. 715PM Green Brewzers Stickmen Game
07/22 Sat. 830PM Green Blue Devils Patriots Game
07/22 Sat. 900PM Gold Puckers REDRUM Game
07/22 Sat. 945PM Green Komets Spiders Game
07/22 Sat. 1015PM Gold Wolverines Stingers Game
07/22 Sat. 1100PM Green Phantoms Snipers Game
07/22 Sat. 1130PM Gold Fugaweez Ice Holes Game
07/29 Sat. 715PM Green Patriots Brewzers Game
07/29 Sat. 830PM Green Puckers Blue Devils Game
07/29 Sat. 900PM Gold Phantoms Stingers Game
07/29 Sat. 945PM Green Fugaweez Snipers Game
07/29 Sat. 1015PM Gold Brewzers Ice Holes Game
07/29 Sat. 1100PM Green Komets REDRUM Game
07/29 Sat. 1130PM Gold Wolverines Spiders Game
08/05 Sat. 715PM Green Fugaweez Stickmen Practice
08/05 Sat. 830PM Green Phantoms Ice Holes Practice
08/05 Sat. 900PM Gold Wolverines Snipers Practice
08/05 Sat. 945PM Green Komets Stingers Practice
08/05 Sat. 1015PM Gold Puckers Spiders Practice
08/05 Sat. 1100PM Green Blue Devils REDRUM Practice
08/05 Sat. 1130PM Gold Patriots Brewzers Practice
08/12 Sat. 715PM Green Fugaweez Stingers Game
08/12 Sat. 830PM Green Patriots Ice Holes Game
08/12 Sat. 900PM Gold Stickmen Blue Devils Game
08/12 Sat. 945PM Green Puckers Komets Game
08/12 Sat. 1015PM Gold Brewzers Snipers Game
08/12 Sat. 1100PM Green Phantoms Spiders Game
08/12 Sat. 1130PM Gold Wolverines REDRUM Game
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