So far no schedules out for either I-league, Major or Minor, but this promises to be a new breed of I-league, roster control from the Yock, a separate peace for the so-called "true I-league-ers", and firm grip on the purse strings (all you hockey whores, look out!). Will this reformation bear-out or fade away like so many other pre-season promises? Will penalties and MHOA be held to a higher standard as well, or is that too much to put on the plate right now? This platform of change may be lacking some substance.

So far the promises have been kept. In the last games of last session, I know that at least a couple of players were removed from games due to roster issues.
The financial upheavals of late are certainly putting a pinch on my hockey habits, but rest assured, I have E-mailed my congressman, and expect a bailout package to be directed our way soon. Everyone else is in line, why not us?
See you next week for the opener
bc III
P.S. watch your shower shoes!