So far no schedules out for either I-league, Major or Minor, but this promises to be a new breed of I-league, roster control from the Yock, a separate peace for the so-called "true I-league-ers", and firm grip on the purse strings (all you hockey whores, look out!). Will this reformation bear-out or fade away like so many other pre-season promises? Will penalties and MHOA be held to a higher standard as well, or is that too much to put on the plate right now? This platform of change may be lacking some substance.

So far the promises have been kept. In the last games of last session, I know that at least a couple of players were removed from games due to roster issues.
The financial upheavals of late are certainly putting a pinch on my hockey habits, but rest assured, I have E-mailed my congressman, and expect a bailout package to be directed our way soon. Everyone else is in line, why not us?
See you next week for the opener
bc III
P.S. watch your shower shoes!
please find a new picture....this chick is fully clothed
watch your cornhole!
euless i-league sucks
so does your momma
This weeks bog is boring.
what's a bog?
bog |bäg; bôg|
1 wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body : the island is a wilderness of bog | a peat bog figurative | a bog of legal complications.
• Ecology wetland with acid, peaty soil, typically dominated by peat moss. Compare with fen 1 .
2 (usu. the bog) Brit., informal a bathroom.
verb ( bogged , bogging ) [ trans. ] (usu. be bogged down)
cause (a vehicle, person, or animal) to become stuck in mud or wet ground : the car became bogged down on the beach road.
• ( be bogged down) figurative (of a person or process) be unable to make progress : you must not get bogged down in detail.
boggy adjective
bogginess noun
ORIGIN Middle English : from Irish or Scottish Gaelic bogach, from bog ‘soft.’
The iceholes go by-by? So should the Blue Bitch's "the ringer Fags"
Where your hockey jersey to Milos bar sat nite and get 1/2 off your Tab! Just see J.T.
This blog is bogging me down.
And how can I locate my hockey jersey to a bar for half off? I wish I could just wear it there... That would make so much more sense.
Go take care of your baby Rich !
Just see J.T.
John Travolta?
J.T. the brick
i am retiring
The Patriots are in desperate need of a few good men, or women. If you are interested, and financial viable, E-mail me:
Financial-ly, sorry.
Did Les' C league buddies lose their jobs?
are there games this week? nothing is on pointstreak yet
your mom is on pointstreak
opening day, as it stands
Dont go to Milos bar sat nite and get 1/2 off your Tab! Its a Joke !!
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