My lack of creativity is being exposed without the input from pointstreak, but I must struggle on!
The session is just starting, I want to thank everyone who has sent me ideas for stories and directions to take the blog. . . to better serve our community. And, thank you to all of you who have just offered me some constructive comments and compliments.
What I'm not sure how to address is the complaining about one thing:
Anonymous commentors
Not long ago, on a blog post not far away, BC and I came to issue on this subject. I do not have access to the net during business hours (I'm on the road, all day) and though I try to moderate the comments on the Blog as best I can, some racy ones sometimes make a short life on the site. My line and BC's are in slightly different positions, but he saw one that I would have most likely removed and went ballistic, removing the comment function entirely. After a cooling-off period he reinstated the commenting, with the understanding that things would have to be civil, and "PG".
For the most part, everyone has done him proper.
While this fiasco was working it's way out, I was hit from all sides about the evils of anonymous commentors. How they should be abolished. Why they are the worst part of the Blog experience. I couldn't disagree more.
Some of the funnier comments have been anonymously posted, and the anonymity is usually integral to the humor. I would never want to stifle these creative commentors. A "fake" commentor can be funny, when this same creativity is applied, satiring Yockey, Ginger, or myself. It can get old fast, though. I especially love the sublime giggle of reading a complaint about anonymous comments from an anonymous commentor. . . GENIUS!
I understand the difficulty of spotting sarcasm and satire in print format, but when I read the comment section, I choose to believe that only the highest minded commentors read our Blog, and a biting comment only needs a second thought to grasp the meaning of. Blogging I have discovered is not often about giving a second thought. But, hey, what can you do? Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and I for one welcome the airing of those opinions.

If you request me to remove a comment from the Blog, I will consider it, but it all comes down to the comment itself. Not everyone can agree with everyone else, so I won't remove a comment unless I think it is completely out of line: vulgar, racist, or just plain MEAN. I'm not in the business of protecting your reputation.
So bring those comments on my lovely, high-minded, clever commentors. . . please don't bother finishing the "mean people suck", thing. I like it but it doesn't belong here.

I feel honored to leave...
The first anonymous post!
so what do mean people suck?
Your mama!
It would seem to me that any of the BC's would be able to see the IP address the post came from and then be able to cross-reference that to previous non-anonymous posts. Maybe some timely exposing of the true identities would be as funny as the posts themselves!
then you could do a tracert and count the number of hops to their house and tickle their toes!
You rock nub!
im stealing internet....
Crybabies sucks!
Mondays sucks!
The whole world sucks!
Than get your mama off the streets
wen do you guys think we can start a alternativ lifestile team? kinda like the mini-team, but all in pink? whos in with me? ~ Stoned cold happy to b playing with you mens.
Spell check?
how about team anonymous
PS...my word verification = spermi
Pointstreak has the schedule
Mondays suck!
Economy sucks!
Ringers suck!
Yo Momma sucks!
Dallas Stars suck!
Knute Anderson sucks!
Jon Ellis stickhandling the puck sucks!
Stone Cold's temper sucks!
Nate Hodges not washing his hockey gear sucks!
Anything else I need to add that sucks?
The cowboys
The chiefs
Is this DFW Titans Euless I-League player Mike Kirkland the same guy Mike Kirkland with the Tier III DFW Titans?
Glad they don't let ringers play in I-League!
What else sucks:
Texas A&M!
Philadelphia Eagles!
Washington Redskins!
New York Yankees!
LA Lakers!
Anaheim Angels!
Anaheim Mighty Ducks!
New Jersey Devils!
Ginger & the Puckers!
some long words there stone cold.
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