Denizens of the greater Colleyville/Grapevine/Southlake/Bedford area might have noticed the abrupt shutdown of the Players Bench store in Colleyville off Highway 121 and Glade. It happened about a month ago.
Well, according to Bob, the regional manager who works at the Grapevine Mills location, the landlord pulled some shenanigans and gave him just a few days to get the stuff out, saying there was another tenant coming in. Then that tenant backed out, leaving an empty space. (He-he.)
According to Bob, we should look for Players Bench to either open in another location (possibly at the Harwood/121 intersection or thereabouts) or expand the Grapevine Mills shop to carry a full range of gear, including goalie stuff. Or, Bob said, there are some other things he either can't or won't talk about yet.
The Players Bench customer service sucks ass. Every time I would go in there it took them 15 mins to come say "May I help you with something?"
I always do business with Peranis.
I hope PB never opens again.
yeah, i had a problem there when i was first learning. they sold me the wrong size skates. hell, what did i know? then i wondered why i had giant blisters on my ankles. they made it right though, and i think the teenager who screwed up probably got fired.
anyway, i'm not vouching for or against PB. but if you just need a quick skate sharpening or a roll of tape, it sux to have to drive all the way across town to perani's if you don't live in euless.
plus, competition is good for the marketplace.
-- BC, free-market capitalist
I've always been happy with Players Bench. They have NEVER charged me for skate sharpening. I think that's great customer service!
Grapevine Mills might as well be freaking Richardson for me. I still have 4 sharpenings on a sharpening card there. Guess I lost on that one. Peranis is the ONLY decent hockey shop left west of 360. (I won't get my skates sharpened at the Star Center because the only time I did they screwed up my edges royally)
Do you get the feeling "Bob" was putting a positive spin on it? I am not a small business person (I work for The Man), but I hear businesses sign this thing called a "Lease Agreement". Either it expired and Bob was unprepared or something else is going on. I would like to propose a conspiracy theory where the Tom Hicks probably owns the company that owns the building (or owns the company that owns the company that owns the building). Wouldn't it be great for the DPSC if that space at Grapevine suddenly became available to become a StarStuff? Only way to make that happen is to pinch PB's market.
Ok Guys here is the scoop, From the former manager who is now in Colorado Springs as Store manager there. The decition to close the store had nothing to do with the landlord I don't know why Bob would make up this story unless he is trying to save his job. Corporate took control of the store months ago. They took all control of inventory away from Nick and told him some bullshit excuse about a new computer system. Then two weeks later they told him they were closing the store and offered him a position in Colorado with a so called promotion and a "huge raise" Nick's words not mine. As far as a new store thats a bunch of crap! they are loosing their ass and have no intention of opening a new store here. So get used to the drive boys and girls. Besides you get much better deals online than in a store anyway. As far as getting your blades done, Shane the store manager at DPSC in Euless is about as good as it gets. You know how demanding figure skaters are? well they all go to him to sharpen their skates!!!! He does a great job and always gets it right! All you have to do is leave your skates at the desk in the store and request the cut you want and that Shane do the work! He will treat you right!!!!!
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