Standings confirmed by Knute as well as times and rinks.
also from Knute...
"A Holiday Buffett will be made available from 9pm to Close. We will make sure food is available to those in the late games."
"A Band will start to playing at 9pm in the CrossBar. This is a foursome that plays Blues and Rock. I hope you will show appreciation for them by tipping them during and in between their sets."
"Zero Tolerance for Bad Behavior. For the most part all of you have been exceptional in this but recently at another facility there was some "poor judgment" shown by two players who let their emotions get away with them. This is a night of celebration and to play some hockey. Family members tend to come out on this night and watch and party. As always be on your best behavior!"
Lets have fun Gents...and ladies!
so... why the hell are the komets ranked lower than the stingers even though they have a better win record? according to nhl rules, the komets should be going at it against the patriots for 5th. this also shifts the lower ranking teams. this makes no sense.
I think that with 14 teams, there should have been a round of at least the first 4 to compete for the cup. ex...4vs1 and 3vs2 and then the finals...
And I need to add that there is no need for 2 practices during the season... Those 2 games are more valuable to compete for the 1st and second place.
Anonymous said...
so... why the hell are the komets ranked lower than the stingers even though they have a better win record? according to nhl rules, the komets should be going at it against the patriots for 5th. this also shifts the lower ranking teams. this makes no sense.
7:49 PM
Answer: There is a known, but not often discussed, hidden attribute the Stingers hold – They are allowed one extra point for their jerseys when needed.
I like the playoff idea 4vs1 and so on.. we should bring that up for next season. blogger? do ya' thing!
Oh, yeah! No need for _practices_ in the I(nstructional)-League! How amusing :-)
Seriously, if folks want a games-only experience then they should step up and play in D- or higher. I, for one, appreciate the practices so that I can try to overcome my many manifest deficiencies.
-- Mondo
So i will try and sort through these complaints...bunch of whining...
anyways...Not losing in regulation is worth something...thus why we reward points for it.
As for The whole "be like the NHL" excuse, the NHL also has checking, paid players, not to mention tie breakers that come from division standings.
but im going to go with the above mentioned
"There is a known, but not often discussed, hidden attribute the Stingers hold – They are allowed one extra point for their jerseys when needed"
You just bought yourself a goal in ur game son. classic
As far as top 4 teams goes...that would be the greatest idea of all time. We would have to pay more $$ for our league fees, but it may be worth it...pressure your coordinators to tell Knute you want the change. I am but one voice sir.
To tell you the truth...if every person added $10 to their league fee...that would be about $150 per team which would = 2100...i think thats plenty of money to get the top 4 teams a shot...hey...it makes winning all the more worth it right?
League Fees don't need to go up again. Over the past year or so, DPSC has stopped supplying jerseys (ie. More money in their pockets) and they have raised league fees $20 per person. Why should people playing on lower teams (the other 10) pay more so the top 4 can play extra games?
cause it would be awesome.
"and there is big news for way next session will work....more on that tomorrow."
Is it tomorrow yet?
i like how you decided to skirt around the real subject as far as your nhl rebuttal. the simple fact is that komets have more wins. that's it, end of story. that automatically solves the tie-breaker on points for playing against the patriots. Does anyone else find it funny how if this were to be corrected, the alternate blog captain would have a conflict of interest? If it looks like it, and smells like it, then that probably means it is.
Then why have we had the same tie breakers for at least the last two seasons before i even took over the blog?
I don't know why i didn't notice this before. but you seem to be semi-correct. the difference being that in other seasons, we would actually end a game with a tie. so when you put it in that prospective, how is an overtime loss equal to a tie? there is one season were the spiders should have been playing for 5th instead of 3rd, other than that it's pretty smooth except for the march keg games. they look to be more jacked than the italian stallion. I am well aware that this is just i-league, but it doesn't seem completely fair.
by the way, BAC, this is by no means a deliberate attack on you. you have done a great job. these are just some concerns that i felt needed to be aired.
one more thing, this is from the nhl website:
Tie Breaking Procedure
If two or more clubs are tied in points during the regular season, the standing of the clubs is determined in the following order:
1. The fewer number of games played (i.e., superior points percentage).
2. The greater number of games won.
3. The greater number of points earned in games between the tied clubs. If two clubs are tied, and have not played an equal number of home games against each other, points earned in the first game played in the city that had the extra game shall not be included. If more than two clubs are tied, the higher percentage of available points earned in games among those clubs, and not including any "odd" games, shall be used to determine the standing.
4. The greater differential between goals for and against for the entire regular season.
PS I understand this is only I-league but it's still hockey.
there didnt seem to be a problem with these tiebreakers the last Few seasons...I wonder what is prompting such an outcry this season?
or perhaps its the ranting of a crazed komet.
to be honest with you, i'm amazed people didn't rant about this sooner. The whole fact that ties were allowed might be the reason why no one has brought this up. and the last couple seasons where shootouts have been in affect, there really hasn't been a problem. It's all been pretty squared with the exception of the spiders playing for 3rd in the june playoffs. by the way, i be an arachnid... arr matey.
if everyone agrees that the I league should be for learning, and discourage ringers...why all the fuss about a championship? if you want to be in a true play off system, join the d league.
Amen to that. Being champion of the I-league is kind of a dubious honor. It's supposed to be a place to learn so you can move up to the D leagues...not a place to hang out and be "awesome".
If you seriously think that the Euless I League is for learning....then you need to go take a drug test. Cause Euless I League is a D League.
....don't know if you know this but there are other places you can play d-league; FB, D-ville...
ok, well you people obviously don't understand what i was trying to say. it's about equal treatment. we do still play hockey, right?
OMFG The fugz got their ass handed to them tonight. This Keg game was so boring.
Now last sessions Keg game was awesome between the Phantoms and Patriots.
Based on what I have seen this past season, this league should just be called a Saturday night league. The instructional part is lacking. I know that our coach only made it to 3 or 4 of our games this season and not one of the practices. 3 things would make this a better league.
First, make the coaches show up to the events they are getting paid to be at.
Second, there needs to be a minimum standard for skating skill. People who can't skate are dangerous on the ice and need to learn their edges before they learn how to handle a puck. We see it all the time where someone who does not know how to stop ends up injuring another player by an ugly take down from behind or a crunch into the boards.
And 3rd, we need more practices to work on hockey skills. There used to be 4 and they were spread out through the season and not all bunched up at the beginning. This allowed teams to try out the skills being "practiced" and then review the results. Of course, I think attendance at practices probably hovers around 30% and this is not part of the winning formula.
Don't get me wrong....I would love to say I skated the Keg (I actually saw a guy Saturday night with a t-shirt that read "2-Time Keg Champion", the loser needs to get a life). I would also love to play D-league, but can't commit to the weeknights.
Of course, we can cry about it all we want when we lose to a stacked team or pat ourselves on the back when we are on the right side of a blowout. In the end, it's what we get out of it. I remember several great games this season and I can only hope that there are more in store for next season. And I agree, the 1-1 game going to a shootout for the keg was a pretty amazing game to watch 2 seasons ago.
"And I agree, the 1-1 game going to a shootout for the keg was a pretty amazing game to watch 2 seasons ago. "
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