Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New Changes for I league

As promised, here are the changes for next season.
most of you should know this by now, but if you have been in a cave, here's what's goin down.

-The League is moving from 14 to 16 teams. Knute has mentioned a couple new teams coming into the league.

-A Gold Division and Silver Division for I league. Whether or not these teams play each other for the keg is unknown...but we hope it works like that.

-A new Stanley Keg has been commissioned and will be unveiled for next season's championships. (we assume 2 keg champions)

-Times have been moved up this season to accomodate more teams and still keep relatively decent slots. Late game will be 1145pm. So we may have said goodbye to sunday morning hockey....HOORAH!


Anonymous said...

Fear the Borracho

Anonymous said...

I hope there is truth to the rumor that some players will be asked/persuaded to "move up" and refrain from playing in I-League and if they decline said invitation their team(s) will not be allowed to compete for the Keg? They can still win all their regular season games and have "bragging rights" but they wont be allowed to compete for the Keg.

Anonymous said...

Not to be pollyanna, but ...

The great thing about this debate is there IS a debate. There might be 16 I-league teams next session? Wow. There are a dozen or more D-League teams and a healthy C-League. This must be the healthiest adult hockey program in Texas, and that's pretty cool.

Despite the many imperfections (like crappy ice times, itinerant communications, sketchy or no enforcement of appropriate talent levels) most of us (what, 500 or so?) can say we're having the time of our lives learning this game.

Can I get an amen?

You caught me in a misty mood. Sue me.



Blog Alternate Captain said...

(plays organ)

Anonymous said...

I just saw the first practice schedule and there are 14 teams. Still 2 divisions?