Sunday, June 03, 2007

No Ice Yet In NRH

Today was the day Pond Hockey was to have started at The Rink Formerly Known As Blue Line.

Alas, 'twas not to be.

I stopped by the rink to see what was up and chatted with new owner Frank Trazzera. He was out back with several workers who looked to be tinkering with plumbing, moving trash and inspecting rails. Frank tells me there will be ice in "about a week." That's good, because I'm tired of driving to Duncanville for pickup. (Aside: The Parks has pickup today at 6:30 p.m.)

Jennifer (Mrs. Knute) Anderson emailed this week to update that Pond Hockey now starts June 17. In short, it's 12:15-1:30 p.m. on Sundays. Cost for the season is $189. Dates: 6/17, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26. See previous post for details on the concept. Contact her for more info:

In other news, Trazzera says 10 I-league teams have committed to playing at the rink we have seen referred to as North Richland Ice Complex and NYTEX Sports Centre. (Love the fancy spelling for center.) Let's hope they come up with something more imaginative.

He says watch the Brahmas' web site for more details.



Anonymous said...

I'm confused...someone posted a comment a while back that there would be no I league at the new rink. What's the real deal? Anyone know what night they play and how much it costs? Is Euless losing any teams to the new rink?

Anonymous said...

yes, it sure looks that way. check the posting on "NYTEX Open House." there are at least three current or recent i-league coaches in that photo. i've personally heard about teams leaving.

my understanding is that i-league will be on saturdays at NYTEX, so teams will have to choose.

should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Yes We will have an "I" League as well as B, C, & D leagues depending on how many team sign on! Get ready boys cause we will have better ice! better times, cheaper beer (free) and lots of stadium seating for friends and family to come and watch you play!

See you there!