A birdie dropped off this delicious image of a certain blog poster who's (who let this happen?) coaching an I-League team this session.
We don't make the news up; we just report it. Right, Ray?
A renegade info-blog of the Euless Senior Hockey Leagues
Damn you Jeff Vaughan
i've got nunchuck skills, computer hacking skills, photoshop skills.
did he grow a few inches?
He will never be tall & handsome like me!
the "little dictator"... how appropriate.
I have not laughed this hard since the Vaughan interview.
Nate's coaching the Pats this season. He gets higher marks already than our last coach who missed the practices. He actually came prepared with drills and skills work. And yes, he even has a whistle!
...is that whistle in his pocket, or is he just happy to see stone cold?
hey stoned cold -
how bout dem Saints? your little albino messican quarterback is frolicing around with Spear Britney and the Saints just keep on marching to the Super Bowl.
Full head of hair that will stay that way.
Hey, is this from the gay party scene in Oliver Stone's JFK? Creepy.
Marky Mark,
When you get payed $ 67 million, you can party with whoever you want.
And enjoy the hair until Febuary. You are going to be my disciple. And grow a goatee and you will look handsome as me.
Bobby Michaelides, the man from the city of brotherly shove. I know you follow the blog. I'm calling you out.
Your Philadelphia Eagles suck! And my Cowboys will kick their asses this Sunday! So, what do you got to say?
For those that care this weeks schedule is on pointstreak. By the way best thing that Philly did was give us the cheese steak sandwhich [just hold the cheese wiz!]. Bobby will know what I am talking about! Billadelphia's rocks!
Yeah and if you want a recap of last Saturday's game, you better just look it up yourself, because nobody writes on this blog anymore about the games. Maybe someone else, that has time to do it on Monday or Tuesday, should start writing. Then we can have preveiws on Thursday or Friday.
you'll have recaps this afternoon, chill out.
or you can go to pointstreak and look at you stats and let nate do his thing jackass
and how can you have previews on monday or tuesday if the schedule for the next game isn't released until wen?
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