There's one fewer sheet of ice in D/FW.
Fort Worth Ice is no more. The management company running the rink, Firland Management, blames the opening of NYTEX, in part. The company specializes in turning around failing operations, but this rink apparently couldn't be saved.
Thanks to the alert reader who let us know.
THANK GOD!!!!! That is the worst ice anyone can skate on. So bring in the wrecking ball and tear that piece of shit down.
the last electric Zam in Texas
"the last electric Zam in Texas"
not true. chapral ice in austin
$100 that the leftovers will not lose any games this season. any takers?
Leftovers must struck a deal with Mayhem for a merge.
I tell you what Sirkus! I will be willing to embarrass the hell out of myself. If the Leftovers go unbeaten and win the keg, then I will on a Saturday in January dress up as a Bud Light Woman.
A wig, dress and high heels and Nate can embarrass me on this website. But if you lose, you got to dress up as the Bud Light Woman.
It makes me sad that I never got to visit the place. Surely someone shed tears over the BlueLine closure. Euless was just too convient for me to support FW ICE... and now Nytex is so close to me ;( I keep my sport down to a couple stick-n-pucks a week at Nytex.
Stone Cold
the bet is that the leftovers will not lose any games this session.
It is confirmed...Sirkis has brought the wet willies team in under the name Leftovers
Sirkis just needs to go away...
His act has become tiresome
hater in the house!!
Your mom has become tiresome.
"Hatin on me make yo situation worse, you dont wanna take a ride in that long black hurst"
long black hurst? you mean hearse?
thas rite
Oh schizzle...
watch my shoes
If you are confident the Leftovers will go unbeaten, then take me up on the bet. I'm confident your will not go unbeaten.
is anyone interested in playing for the Puckers this season?
just to be clear, if at the end of the session, the leftovers have not lost a game, i win the bet.
Stone Cold.....better make sure that the leftovers did not fall apart! No games = no losses.
Make sure to wear eyelash extensions.
Stone Cold already has a nice set of tits for it
I'll play for the Puckers again. If they'll have me.
backslider - call ginger @ 817-658-6772
Leftovers no longer exist...
Therefore, they will not lose any games...
Dont fall for it
I did check my sources. Nice try Sirkus and congratulations, you finally loaded your team with ringers. You should have done it 2 seasons ago.
The bet is off. F_ _k you and go tempt another sucker into a bet.
dang, we were so close to seeing stone cold in a dress.
and what ringers does this team have? anyone care to shed some light on this? i think we have 2 players that have never played before.
Leave it to a gay like Sirkus to F up the league with ringers just for sake of "winning"
here is the roster, please point out the ringers
Sr Sirkis
Billy Quin
AJ Ferreiro
Steve Smith
Brian Bradley
Randy Chappel
Melissa Knourek (sub)
Alex Atkins (sub)
Stephen Janis
Amy Byrum <-- rookie
Corey Howard
Dan Grimes
Anthony Beach <-- rookie
Jon Ellis
if(Player.Janis == Skill.Enforcer)
Team.Status = Session.CupWinner;
Someone tell Sirkus that if he loses the bet he's not allowed to punch out the opposing team's coach during handshakes like he did two years ago..
Then there was that charity game for Knute where he and the charity coordinator were thrown out..
Does anyone see a trend here?
Yeah, the trend is he's a douche
Billy Quin
AJ Ferreiro
Alex Atkins (sub)
Corey Howard
Jon Ellis
which sirkis are we talking about here?
looks like leftovers had a team of ringers last session
billy quin...never heard of him
alex...crip who cant skate
howard...hasn't skated in forever
ellis...swiss cheese
Thats sucks FW ice closed. The ice was actually nice the last couple months. NYTEX sucks because they don't even have dropins.
sirkis, stonecold: cut the shit out. you're boring all of us to death.
wow.....this is much more exciting now
FW Ice was a hockey hell hole. The facility sucked and the ice was worse. The edges and corners were always melted - a good place to break a skate holder, blade or ankle. The roof was so low that most flip passes were bouncing off the girders. Shall I go on - naw! I never understood how that place stayed open. Good riddance.
it shut down because i didn't play there
Another reason to shut it down: Pucks slide under the boards were the Zam door are.
another reason to shut it down: Nate slide under the boards were the zam doors are.
The electric zamboni always brakes down.
thats what she said, then she calls me
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