Warriors (4-1-1) 1
Puckers (4-3-0) 2
The Puckers are pushing for the fourth spot in the anti-Keg hunt. Only one point now separates them from leap-frogging the Warriors. Scott "Mindo" Dolbee scores first to put the Warriors on top, but Ginger sets-up David James for the equalizer. In the second, Rob Constantine delivers the game winner counting on Blubaugh and his defense to hold-off the Warriors in the third. That's the kind of confidence of an anti-champion.
Silverwings (2-2-2) 5
Ice Holes (0-6-1) 2
The Ice Holes continue their long march to irrelevancy. Jason Vrendenburg and Sergio Castillo score late in the first period but the Holes get one even later from Brian Preusser, to cut the lead in half. Vrendenburg hits another, Kyle Ammann scores the fourth Wing goal followed by Sergio's second on the power play. The Holes manage one more tally, this one from Raul Gilbreath, too little-too late. If this pattern holds the Silver Wings will face a catastrophic loss next week.
Shockers (2-5-0) 1
Grave Diggers (5-2-0) 3
The Shockers and Diggers get together to make one exciting period of play, sandwiched between a couple of seriously boring periods filled with guys in skates. In that middle period, Bruce Davis of the Diggers and Jackson Chang de la Shockers cancel each other out, Randy Chappel pops in too consecutive goals to put the Diggers in the driver's seat- look out anti-Keg!
Chiefs (7-0-0) 7
Mutineers (3-4-0) 1
The collection of former goal tenders dominate the Mutineers, making seven wins in a row. The Chiefs lead the way with Bill Broad's goal and Bob-O gets the Mutineers as close as they would ever get. Josh Ayala, the goalie, drives two between the pipes followed by Ben Stillwagon, another goalie. Troy Clarkson plants another one for the Chiefs, then it was time for Stillwagon's repeat performance, and Ayala's hattrick. If these guys don't win it all it will be a shocker.
Canadiens (5-2-0) 7
Patriots (8-0-1) 6
Chris Gallagher beats the formerly rollin' Patriots, in a knock-down-drag-out of a firestorm. Travis Lehr puts the Pats in front, Gallagher scores for the Canadiens. John Newell, John Thompson, and Travis Lehr put the Patriots out front again with a comfortable margin, Kyle Haman takes a Canadien nibble at the lead but William Craft takes it back. Gallagher sets-up Chris Walter for a Canadien goal and then gets his second hisself. Travis gets a hat trick to keep the Pats up by two, Gallagher gets his hat trick, then Young Kim ties the game. In overtime, Ellis gives-up the gamewinner in this pissing match to Rich Wojcio. It's hard to say if anyone is right in this game, it was close.
Brewzers (2-7-0) 0
Stickmen (4-4-1) 5
The Sticks run the table while the Brewzer's heads spin. Joe Tomme and Clint Tippet start it off and Alex Eysermanns makes Steve Daniels pay for his holding infraction. Zack Colburn finds the back of the net and Tippet pours it on with his second. Mike Moore looked on the verge of a defection after the game, maybe the pow-wow after in the locker room calmed things down a bit.
LSI (3-5-1) 3
Komets (4-4-1) 4
Ram Lavani and Scottie Baldree and Ryan Smith score three unanswered goals for the Komets. Kyle Haman punishes Brent Bryant with two LSI goals and Gabe Rivera sends it to overtime. The shoot-out is decided on the first shot- Wil Dobson wins the game.
Snipers (1-6-0) 0
Blue Devils (5-4-0) 2
The Blue Devils get a much needed win in frustrating fashion. With only a two goal win against the Snipers, it's hard to see the Devils making much of the post season. Ten penalty minutes and the play of Matt Walker in net almost stymied the Blue Devils but Ryan Wacker collects the game winner shorthanded, Aaron Hawley adds to the total.
Spiders (4-4-1) 0
Ice Bats (7-2-0) 7
112 penalty minutes. . . unbelievable! Must be some unresolved issues from Panama City.
Whalers (1-8-0) 0
Privateers (7-0-0) 7
Tony Finazzo and Jonathan Horton score early for the 'Teers and after the goalie change, They just keep scoring. Tony Finazzo collects one on the power play. Goals continue to rain down from Brian Zientek, Cody Payne, Finazzo, and Gus Mask. Ellis is sellin' this thing like it's a Wii music. Man it's late.
Hey Ellis...
Ya give up 20+ goals this week?
No ringers?
No ringers, just Privateers.
Why do they call Nate the Rooster? Is it cause hes small? Is it cause hes a cock? Possibly both, he has a small cock!
ellis how can I get in touch with you ??
Ellis can be insulted long-distance by e-mail:
What the hell is Gallagher (the leading goal scorer in D-league) doing in i-league games scoring 2-3 points at a time? What a wuss.
Get used to it...
Theres more just like him coming
"No ringers, just Privateers."
I have to stand up for them on this point... not happy they beat us a few weeks ago, but the privates are hardly the worst offending team. The top 4-5 teams are all rostered about the same or at least pull 2-3 subs that makes them even...
So where does that leave our team and some of the others? Maybe we need to move down, or maybe the other 5 teams should move up... who knows... The Pats have been here forever so I don’t see why the Privates or Team Gallagher are being singled out...
This blog is boring!
anyone want to make some awards nominations?
Who's the biggest cry baby?
dirtiest player?
least improved?
least valuable?
player with biggest ego?
post your nominations and let's hurt some feelings (anonymously, of course).
i nominate anonymous for all ofthe above awards
I would probably run away with smelliest. . . everyone else seems to
"post your nominations and let's hurt some feelings (anonymously, of course)."
Best post of the week!
This blog has officially run its course...
Please shut it down ASAP
"This blog has officially run its course...
Please shut it down ASAP"
Hmmm that is what Anonymous said about your mom...
Not all of the "your mom" jokes make sense.
That was one of them...
Let me git off your mom so you can ask her.
Ellis, have you ever heard of using Frebrese for your gear?
biggest cry baby - Ginger Parker
dirtiest player - Stone Cold
smelliest - Jon Ellis
least improved - Ellis
least valuable - David Blubaugh
player with biggest ego - Stone Cold
LOL David Blubaugh sucks cock monkeys. Nate smells like shit shingles. I vote Hitler as the MVP.
Nate looks like a monkey!?
I didn't know "your Mom" jokes were supposed to make sense. . .
Anon 6:38. Common man! You vote me the dirtiest! I only have 6 PIMS this season!
Why don't you go see the doctor and have that shit for brains examined. Then afterwards you can revote.
What precisely are "shit shingles"?
Wow. Gallagher is playing 'I' league ???? What a joke.
I play against him in 'D' league and he does not even belong in 'D'
Dude. Grow some balls and move up to a level that you can compete in. I don't have a problem with you in 'D' leauge. But, if it is true that you are playing in 'I', then that is pitiful.
crybaby - #43 privateers
dirtiest - dallas lehr
smelly - ellis
least improved - stone cold
least valuable - oven chicken
biggest ego - grave digger coach
biggest ego - grave digger coach
sure its not the cheifs coach?
no, pretty sure it is the GD coach.. I hear he is a real jerk. Our chiefs coach is alright!
(7:52 - makes you wonder if a chief wrote the original one note)
monkey or jesus, they both pay $1 million David!
Capt. D
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