Jen: Oh life is crazy...but always good to hear from you hon!
SNH: I've known you for quite a while now, I know you're from the land of ten thousand lakes, so did you start playing hockey when you were there?
Jen: Nope...i’m old remember...back then Moses was a small child, and girls weren’t allowed to play hockey. All the dads plowed the girls a separate rink on the lake to figure skate on....put a big snowbank in-between the girls and the boys rink so the pucks wouldn’t kill us...
SNH: How old were you when you got to Texas?
Jen: 14...landed here 3 days before high school started...totally a fish outta water, it was very traumatic!
SNH: So is hockey a family tradition?
Jen: Not so much with my extended family, although they are all fans of the game. My brother Chris was the first to start playing...he was in Mite hockey up in a little town called TWIG (seriously) just north of Duluth when he was really little, and I helped out at the concession stand during their games so I wouldn’t freeze to death – all their games and practices were outside.
SNH: So romantic, the outside game. And, who is the better player?
Jen: HA! I’m sure everyone who has ever witnessed me play knows the answer to that even if they‘ve never met Chris! My brother is greatness...he is so naturally talented. If he stayed off skates for the next 10 years and I practiced every day, I’d still not be able to take him one on one. Oh no, I’m not bitter ;)

SNH: . . . One of the first things that endeared you to me was your cute little painted toe nails, Miss January admitted to getting her pedicure for healthy skating feet, why do you do it?
Jen: Truthfully – because I SUCK at doing it myself!! I was just born without that gene that most girls have that enables them to paint their own nails or always ends up looking like a 2-yr old did it...and since I have no kids to blame it on...had to turn over the responsibility for my hands and feet to someone much more qualified!!
SNH: They're so adorable. Another one of my favorite traits of yours is the terms of endearment- you're always referring to those around you as dear or sweety, or whatever. . . Is that a family thing or something you picked up when you moved to Texas?
Jen: I must have picked it up here....can’t say anyone in my family does it, they are much too sarcastic for gotta stay on your toes around them. Sometimes I think I offend people because of it...but I’m glad I haven’t offended you dear!!!
SNH: You know I've tried to incorporate that into my own conversational habits, or haven't you noticed, hun?
Jen: Babycakessweetiepiehoneybunchboyfriend!!!!
SNH: Oh stop, I'm blushing!
Jen: Aw.
SNH: Okay, back on subject. How many teams are you playing on these days? Are you over extending yourself?
Jen: Geezluise no. I haven’t played in a month due to my crazy schedule. I play for Damifino in the D-league, and for the Brewzers and Snipers in the I-league, though they haven’t seen me this season!! (sorry guys!)
SNH: What a shame, I certainly feel a void when you're not at the rink. Are you currently coordinating any of them?
Jen: Actually, not anymore. When I started coordinating I loved it, because I had the time to do it well. Since life got pretty busy, I was slacking I gave over coordinator duties to those more qualified!!
SNH: Tell me about the coordinating gig, does the stress of stringing it all together balance out with the playing for free? Do you actually get to play for free, or do you have to cover a lot of short players?
Jen: I never played for free as a coordinator, my teams always just split it up evenly...and I always had a good group of players so I was never stuck with covering anyone who couldn’t pay. But, I know many coordinators who aren’t so lucky...and it's a big, time-consuming job every season end to keep rosters filled. You really do get to know everyone well though – made a lot of friends in hockey I’m really thankful for !
SNH: I can't imagine. It's something I've been considering trying for a long time, I'm still too apprehensive to tackle it yet. What else do you occupy your time with?
Jen: I work way too much, I’m a media director at Dieste, Inc. (Hispanic ad agency in Dallas)...its not just a 9-5 thing, so its hard to have much going on outside the office...aside from hockey!
SNH: So is it true that you're bilingual?
Jen: I hate to use that because I get hit with words I don’t know every day...but I’m pretty capable with Spanish...helps in my job of course.
SNH:Still single?
Jen: Yes, though I am dating someone...we’ll see how that goes. I was married once a long time ago for about a minute and a half. Key learning: never marry a musician!
SNH: You are truly an intriguing individual! As Miss Februaury, what do you think is the true meaning of Valentine's day?
Jen: Geez, that’s a toughie. V-day was never one of my favorites, I always seem to have bad luck with this holiday. I think all the cheesy candy and cards are stupid. But, life can get hectic and crazy, and sometimes people need a reminder in the form of an official “day” to make sure and tell their significant others they care I guess. I’d rather get a random card or flowers ANY OTHER DAY than Valentine's day...but that’s just me.
SNH: Cheesy candy, that sounds disgusting. Well, I hope I will be seeing more of you in the Cross Bar in the near future, before we call it, is there anything you need to set straight about Jen Leonard for our readers? Or is there something people should know about you?
Jen: I don’t think anyone should sing Patsy Cline EXCEPT for Patsy Cline. I’m seriously afraid of cornfields at night. I love sushi, hate coconut, think peanut butter should have its own food group, and believe dark chocolate cures everything. Whataburger taquitos at like 2:30am may just be the world’s perfect food. I think that about covers it...
SNH: Thank you so much for your time, kiss-kiss! (guess I should stop singing back in baby's arms a karaoke night)
i think mrs jan and mrs feb should date
her brother looks a little like Mike Ribeiro
where's the centerfolds?
Awesome, I was hoping to get you for March, Ryan!
Nate Hodges should be Mrs. March.
Gross, that was not me. Although I bet the SNH pedo club wishes it was.
Catherine Levesque for Ms. March
I was wondering what was going on with your grammar. . .
I bet it's the same guy who wanted me for "december pen-up". F-ing illiterates.
Must be a petafile!
Sometimes I really miss ducanville
Again, not me. But still, top notch on spelling and grammar.
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