The night was again a great experience for all attending, even the food received good reviews this time around. Apparently their were several people making second and third trips, Jimmy "Stone Cold" Welch was almost thrown out for making six+ trips (he may have forced a voucher program for next session). There was record attendance by family and friends, and the noise was incredible. Thank you in particular to Mr. Hamstra (the Hamster's Dad) as he gave his services freely to document the night in pictures. Mr. Hamstra's web site is, go check it out. It didn't end exactly as I had planned, but it was still a good time, hope you enjoyed it, too. See the rest of the photos
The Battle for the Anti-Keg
Privateers (6-4-0) 1
LSI (8-2-0) 2
The 'Teers scored first, short handed, but after a goalie switch from the Imports they couldn't find their mojo. It takes until the final minute of the game before the Imports can perforate the Privateer's pride, they get the two goals they need for the win, the Privateers left the ice with a hunger still in their bellies.
Team Euless (1-9-0) 0
Grave Diggers (5-5-0) 6
Team Euless was rostered of the insatiated Privateers and a few other swabs, looking to get their licks in on the bad luck Diggers. The Diggers would have nothing of it, when there's nothing on the line the Grave Diggers can beat the world, much like the San Jose Sharks. Joel Bush, the Paynes and the Haleys fall in monumental fashion, not only giving up six goals but failing to score even once, are these 'Teers prepared for play beyond the J-league?
Chiefs (5-5-0) 2
Silverwings (2-7-1) 0
A great duel between goaltenders, these bottom feeding teams both appear to have at least one spot secured on their rosters. Eric Spivey of the Silverwings has delivered a very respectable sophmore session and Josh Ayala is debatedly the star of this freshman class. After the reshuffling of divisions both of these teams should be looking at a big upswing in their win totals.
Puckers (7-3-0) 2
Whalers (6-4-0) 1
The matchup for best of the rest culminated with the long waiting Puckers and the Whalers in only their second session. As the teams took the ice one couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the fan presence, the event could have just as easily been a girls tee-ball game, family members and confused Pockets patrons thronged the bleachers by the dozens.

Brian Cudaback of the Puckers scores the first goal of the game, the spirits of Pucker nation literally resounded throughout the arena. Patrick Donaghue faced the counter punches of the Whalers and turned away all but one from Whaler defenseman, Brian "The Hamster" Hamstra, who manages to return the score to even where it would stay for the rest of the period.

In the second the Puckers keep the pressure on flinging shot after shot onto Gregg Mata and in the middle of the game he does give up what would prove to be the game winner to Dusty Smith.

The third period was an exercise in patience for the Puckers, they relied on the play of their veterans for effective defense, face-off domination, and continued offensive presence, they do finish the game with more shots on net. Patrick Donaghue knew this would be his last game for the foreseeable future (work scheduling conflicts will force him on to hiatus) and he drew on this motivation whenever the play did make it to his end.

As the time wound down the crowd became more racous, and after a few key face-offs the game ultimately did fall to the Puckers. Their was little fanfare on the ice, the trophy was unready and the P.A. was not in service, but the fireworks were clearly visible in the faces of the men in red, and Ginger, too. Congratulations to the Puckers, I guess now you can move up to the "real" I-league.

Plenty of time for the Whalers to make waves in this league.
Da' KEG Stickmen (5-4-1) 6
DFW Titans (3-6-1) 2
The Sticks runover the Titans, by the end of the first they had scored half of their goals. The Titans kept the shooting close but experience in the net proves the difference, James Barber may not return for the Titans next session, say my sources. This game was even more of a route until the Titans collected a garbage goal in the final minute.
Snipers (4-5-1) 2
Brewzers (3-5-2) 1
Sibling rivalry, Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! The only thing worse than this team having to battle itself would be that regardless of the outcome both will no doubt end up in the same division, again!
P.S. in net, the apprentice defeats the master.
Komets (5-4-1) 1
Ice Bats (8-2-0) 10
Hard to imagine, but this game was the debut of netminder A.J. Benedetto (strangley enough, the name Benedetto means "blessed" in Latin. . . God bless these Komets.) and he gets very little offensive help from his team in his effort, all he needed was ten more goals, you know I love you, A.J. The real question of the game is: with goals being handed out like government bail-outs, why couldn't Patty Greco get just one of them?
Patriots (5-3-2) 0
Blue Devils (7-2-1) 4

The main event looked good on paper, two tested teams with similar rosters and similar records but that's why they play the games. It turned early in the first for the Pats, aggressive netminder Jon Ellis tried to defuse a scoring chance with a clearing pass, but the Ref (clearly on the take from Blue Devil head coach Nate Hodges) skates into the path allowing a two on one that results in the first Devil goal. Chris Zoll proves to be the only one able to score in the first period, although it would bear-out as the game winner.

In the second the Patriots threw everything they had at the net, but Blubaugh and his rebound eating defense proved too much for the Patriot forwards.

Just two hundred feet in the other direction the Devils redoubled their offense, a goal from Charlie Heine at the halfway point and another to close the period from Billy Trull, if the Patriots were going to win in their characteristic come from behind they needed to get it in gear in the final eleven. The only edge the Pats manage to gain is in the way of penalties, the gloves were dropped on one occasion and they collect 21 minutes worth in the final frame alone.

After a goal to Blue Devil Todd Smith, sweeping in the late period rebound a few big goal mouth stands from Blubaugh, the game was over. The Blue Devils are the best team in all of I-league, no one can question that.

Nate Hodges will retire as coach of the Devils, and from coaching altogether, claiming a record of five championship appearances in five sessions, three total championship wins.
From SNH June 29, 2008
"The Blue Devils are poised to assume the role of a dynasty. With solid defense, quick forwards, and a new look in goal, it will be a tall order for any opponent to knock-off this power house. Congratulations to all of the Blue Devils."
I guess not even you can get all your predictions wrong Ellis.
Go Devils!!
More proof that they need to move up.
Not really... their point leader has 4, which isn't even in the top 25 in the majors. They are 4th in GF but 1st with the lowest GA. Sounds like without Blub, they would lose. That, or they spread the wealth and play good TEAM hockey versus having two players who score more than the rest of the team combined (Blix and Petty).
However, the haters will hate. Who doesn't enjoy watching the mighty fall, right?
The Puckers are awesome!
Good team defense makes me look better than I am.
The Blue Devils play as a team and there are no selfish players.
They pass, skate hard, shoot the puck, and back check. If any team does those things, they'll win too.
backchecking is the key! you know how many odd man rushes and second chance shots get eliminated with just a little hustle???!
What's J-league?
joke league
Move up? Really...You know up until the Championship game I was tied as the Blue Devils leading scorer and I can't even stop. I do not have a slap shot, can't skate backwards very well, weak control of the puck in transition...I could go on and on with the list of what I can't do. Honestly a medium to good wrist shot and a whole lot of hustle is all I have. So I am thinking that I would totally suck in D league. :) I want to try it though, but honestly I know what league I belong in.
I think our secret is that we have come together as a team and we understand our strengths and weaknesses and we play within our range of capability.
We do have a good goalie, hell if you think about it we have three really good goalies. Debaro, Redmon, and Blue! All can play that position really well.
We have a fast aggressive Defense...and a group of forwards that have good speed and keep good pressure up in the offensive zone.
It is a collective thing...but move up. Have you played the Patriots, Ice Bats, Brewzers, or Komets, Stickmen, or Snipers? Geez they are not easy teams to win against. In fact this last season we lost to the Ice Bats and the Brewzers. Let’s not forget the Ice Holes. Each time we beat them it was by the smallest of margins and were very hard fought games. I think when you start chanting move are insulting the caliber of the teams that I just listed. Besides no one is more suprised at the string of wins we have put together than we are....I mean look who are coach was! :) (Just kidding Nate...and best wishes)
Blue Devils #19
P.S. I am serious about the stopping if I run into you or have stopped on you in the past, it wasn't on purpose. :)
pardon my typo..."our" :) In case Grammer Nazi is still lurking around out there.
If you look at the pictures of the Blue Devil/Patriot game, take notice of the color jerseys in front of Blubaugh, then the jerseys in front of Ellis.
Well, as I shiver my ass off here in the San Diego Winter (I'm not kidding, the mercury dropped to a bone-chilling 62 degrees today..) I have to hand it to the Euless I-League and BACIII. You guys have put on a great show this session.
From the outside looking in, I can say with some degree of reflection that the program ya'll have going there is arguably one of the most amicable, fun, and best run in the the entire West/Southwest.
As the man once said, "ya don't know what you have till it's gone" and I sure do miss you guys and Euless I-League!
You all are the best! And a tip-o-the-hat to my beloved Komets for being true to the I-League creedo and playing a rookie goalie(way to go AJ - hope yer having fun and learning the gane between the pipes my friend)...good sportsmanship!
Cheers - Bruce "Old #33" Frankel
to blue devils #19
i don't skate backwards very well at all and i play in the C league...which stands for Can't skate backwards very well.
why was #18 Heine allowed to play for the blue devils in both playoff games? He only played in 3 of the 8 regular season games. I thought the rule was that a player had to participate in at least half of the regular season to be eligible to play in the playoff rounds.
For the same reason that #14 travis lehr was allowed to play for the patriots. No one thought it was worth complaining about.
it doesn't matter whether or not anyone thought it was worth complaining about. it's a league rule and all of the league rules have to be enforced.
The Blue Devils and Patriots should have forfeits for both playoff games in which they had ineligible players on their rosters.
Congrats to the IceBats then
Eric petty of the ice bats plays b-league. Congats to the komets.
The komets played with an I-league coach on their roster.
Finally some controversy! I had been waiting all week!!!
Go Chiefs!
Still missing it Bruce?
Heine has been a sub for the BDs for several seasons and no one seemed to mind. They had to backfill the real threats on the team, Gloria and Val. Additionally, Heine only score one goal, and the Patriots still scored 0, so even without Heine, the BDs would have won.
The rule is a player must play at least 2 regular season games in order to make playoffs.
It's been that way even when knute was running the league.
i league isn't only for learning how to play hockey, it is also to teach you how rec league hockey works. if this is someone from the pats roster, do you really want to win that way? id rather win on the is way more fun to beat a team that is better than you that way. so quit your bitching and learn from this. new season starts in a few days.
Really...? A new season starts in a few days...? If that were true, shouldn't there be a schedule? I know I-league has it's obvious flaws and I accept most of them, but I'm tired of begging for a schedule. When we pay our money, can't we at least expect that??!! Or, do we have to form a players union and go on strike?!
The Other Ellis
Having moved to Washington State, and found 0 ice within an hours drive,
i miss my Euless I-league. I'm slated to move closer to the ice in the next month, but from what I've seen the instructional leagues out here aren't nearly as good.
Also, GO BLUE DEVILS!!! Sorry I missed this season.
- Josh Davis #99
Val was out of town on vacation.
Gloria was out with an injury that she sustained in the game against the Komets. She has blood clots in her leg and can hardly walk
Scott Spillman - one of the best defensemen in the league was out of town on vacation.
All of these players scored this yes they really are scoring threats....based on the numbers.
In the chase for the second championship...we won games on goals scored by all three of these players as well.
It's Euless! Out in Frisco we have your full schedule for next season!We still have one game left in this one!
can someone post a poll with this question
any one give a damn about frisco?
Thanks Mr. Frisco. At least you have shown us that a schedule is possible. Something is very, very wrong in Euless. God help us all.
The Other Ellis
I hear the Grammer Nazi coming! Your or ours?
If you don't like Euless then go play in Duncanville. I guarantee you will stop complaining. We have one of the largest, most competitive leagues at this skill level in DFW. Try to gain some appreciation, because your complaining is getting old.
Mr. Yockey, I understand that you fall victim to all the teams that drag their feet and don't give you a commitment until after the deadline. That creates frustration for all those who do meet your deadlines. Once I think about it, I believe the source of our frustration is the same. I DO appreciate what you do in making the league a great one.
The Other Ellis
Bring back the Hot Dogs!
"We have one of the largest, most competitive leagues at this skill level in DFW"
What skill level is this supposed to be? Anyone can play(regardless of skill level), we don't get a schedule, rules for players playing in the playoffs aren't enforced. Nothing is consistent. What happened to the "unbiased" (Chris Gallagher was the only one I ever saw)observers that were supposed to monitor this stuff. Players only care about rules when they affect their team. We can have a ringer as long as ours is better than the other teams. And yes, I would like to go play somewhere else, but Knute went to the competition and he sucks too!!
The fact is, we should be more angry about these issues and it is our fault because we accept it (me included)and keep giving them our money. Unfortunately, I continue to play because I love playing and OPTIONS ARE LIMITED. It doesn't mean I agree with it and it doesn't mean I like it. It only means I love playing more than I hate the piss poor way our league(s) are run. So quit making excuses for Yockey or why it was OK to break this rule or that rule because facts are facts.
I do have a suggestion. Run the I-League like a non-profit corporation.
Yockey (or whoever the hockey director may be) is the Executive Director and responsible for running the league, and accountable (in part) to a Board of Directors. The Board would be composed of a combination of team coordinators and recognized leaders from the amatuer DFW hockey community. The mission of the Board is to build the finest I-League in the country. The Board could come up with solutions that address some of these sticky issues.
Each I-League team, as a member of the league would have to sign a conduct contract with the Board in order to be on the schedule. Infractions and penalties would be outlined in the contract, and teams held strictly accountable (hey, just like they do with sanctioned school sports programs...)
Each player in the league is a part of the membership, and certain issues could be taken to the membership for a vote.
This way you build in ownership - which is a powerful contingnecy for adherence to conduct that promotes excellence. Also puts accountability right where it should be - with the membership.
Just a thought from some old hockey player in San Diego...
Old Man Frankel
I think the only fact is that you are a person who makes excuses for your failures instead of trying to better yourself by overcoming them.
Old Man Frankel,
It sounds like a nice idea, but honestly, like a lot of great ideas, I dont think it will work because we are all too lazy here...All of the people complaining about these problems are the same ones that are too lazy to do anything about it themselves..Therefore, they would also be way to lazy to form a board...heck, 3/4 of the people that sign this blog don't even sign with a real name or number. They just use "anonymous."
(I couldn't resist)....
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