Phillip Talley was an incredible man, almost no one in our little community has never played with him or against him. The calm coolness of his game and his quiet nature off of the ice, not many would suspect that his connection with childish souls would extend beyond the rink.
Children made an immediate bond with Phillip, many of the children that he worked with imagined that under all the gear of every goalie they saw on television or at a game was actually their Phillip.
If you have any memories of our Phillip please use this forum to share them with the rest of us who remember him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of his family and friends.

This from Dallas Lehr:
Moore Funeral Home
1219 N Davis Dr
Arlington 76012
[Davis and Randol Mill]
6-8pm Friday night for the viewing and the funeral will be at 9:30 on Saturday morning.
It would be nice for all the hockey guys and gals to wear your respective team colors to the funeral as it would reflect the amount of people Phillip touched in our little hockey community. You may want to get together as a team to decide what would be appropriate. The Army of 12 Monkeys and Warriors will be wear our orange jerseys.
Please be sure to pass this on to anyone who may have know Phillip.
Thanks to all!
Some pics of Phillip.
My kids went to the Childrens Courtyard in Arlington where he worked as a teacher for several years. My kids loved him like a brother. He was always goofing around and made their days in daycare fun and worry free for me. My son hates sports and Mr. Phillip taught him to have confidence in himself and played basketball or soccer with him all the time. My son now enjoys playing both sports.He was awesome!! Our thoughts, prayers and love goes out to his family and friends.
Bryan and Christine Debrick
what happened?
While I didn't know him personally, I know that he was well respected amongst those who happened to play against him during his time at the StarCenter.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
He was killed in a car accident early Sunday morning. As a Firefighter for Arlington I had the unforunate task of being at the scene of the accident. I did not know Phillip but I have probably played against him. There was hockey stick in the car with him so I knew he was part of the hockey family and when I heard his name, it sounded very familiar. I realized later it was from reading this blog. My thoughts and prayers to his family, friends and teammates.
David James
Puckers #2
Phillip most recently played for three I-league teams on a regular basis:
the Warriors
the Army of the Twelve Monkeys
the Patriots
He also filled-in with countless other teams in our league and others.
Many people in our rink, I'm sure, do not have a personal connection with him despite having had his support or being frustrated by his presence in the opposing net. Dallas, and particularly Travis Lehr grew up with Phillip, learning to play hockey together and creating all of those bonds that living on the same street in your teenage years can bring. Be sure to offer them both a little support the next time you see them.
As plans for memorial services and addresses for cards and flowers, and the like, come together I will post them here.
He worked at one of the Arlington locations of Children's Courtyard and many children this week and many more this fall will no doubt be struggling to understand what has happened.
Phil worked at Children's Courtyard. He was really helpful. And nice! He played with all the kids. He was the best teacher. He threw pizza parties and taught us sports! We enjoyed him very much. I miss him very much. Molly
Talley was an excellent teammate and just a really cool guy to hang out with.
You could always joke around with him, talk about stuff and just be yourself. He was one of the few people my age in this league which made him really cool. He had a great playing style and was one of the coolest goalies during games.
I'm really gonna miss this guy, it's still hard to believe that he is really gone.
I never really knew about him working with kids, but when i found out what he did in life for others, it makes his passing all the more tragic.
Such a great person, lost at such a young age.
hope you're still playing hockey up there brother.
Nate Hodges
Phillip was like a 3rd son to us. I use to kid him I was going to claim him on our taxes because he was at our house so much. I know the Gatorade would always go MIA whenever he came over!
He had the best personality anyone could have. He always had me laughing. I will miss him walking thru our front door asking "Is Travis home"?
Phillip, We will miss you terribly. I pray for your family and friends to find the strength to get thru this. Life will never be the same again. There is a big hole there now that was filled by you...
We love you,
Karen and William Lehr
I didn't get a chance to read this mornings newspaper and see the obituary. I personally do not know him very well. All I know when my team went up against him in the past, he was Superman in the net. He was bullet-proof and stopped everything.
He is hockey family and he will be severely missed.
We were actually in the same grade through out school and we hung out a bit through out those years, he was a solid guy.
Back in Jr High he had his head shaved except for a long patch up front and one time we were all staying over at a friends house and just to get everyone to laugh he sprayed his hair with hair spray and lit his hair on fire. That is pretty much the first thing I think of when his name is mentioned. He used to always keep everyone laughing.
He was a cool guy, always super nice and really laid back when we were all together. My best to his family.
As a Coach, you are always searching for the souls that where made to play the game, Phillip was one of these souls. I will cherish the moments that I was able to be on the bench as he led his team forward with a confidence that would emanate form the net out. You could feel it on the bench and it was exciting.
As a player I would always look forward to the games I knew he was going to be in net. Either on the same team or against him I knew that it would always be great fun. There was just something about him that made you feel great to be in his presence and on the same ice as him.
Some of my favorite moments where off ice. No matter where we ran into each other I was always greeted with a hug and a "hey coach." Coaches aren't supposed to have favorites, but Phillip was one of mine.
I will miss him terribly.
Coach Steven Frye
Mr. Phil is how we knew Phillip. Two of my kids hung out with him Monday-Friday everyday before and after school for the past 2 years at the Children's Courtyard.
He made such a huge impact on so many kids lives. He was a blessing to them all. He always smiled and joked with us and the kids adored him. If he saw us anywhere he would be sure to run up and give high fives or a "hook 'em horns"... in turn my kids would give a "gig 'em aggies".
Our hearts broke and tears fell when we heard the news. We miss him dearly and we will never forget him. My prayers go to his family and all that knew him dearly. We all loved him very much.
We love you MR. PHIL!!!
Stephanie Hayes and family (Jonas, Justice, Jakob)
Phillip was a one-in a kind guy. You could not ask for a better friend. It is a tragic day and he will be missed more then words can express.
my fellow goalie and teammate i will miss you dearly.we one-two punched a few kegs together and its been an honor to share the net with you. bobby warriors, army
There are not any words to truly describe what a loss this is. Mr. Phil was exactly the teacher every parent wants their child to have. My daughter really loved him and looked up to him. She had a special connection with him. He transformed the tiniest girly girl into a rough tough football playing machine! He had the gift of knowing exactly when to show her love and compassion and when to pick her up and dust her off and tell her to get back in the game. He had that charisma, that coolness about him that the kids loved. They respected him. I will miss seeing his smiling face each morning. Every parent struggles with having to take their child to daycare and there is no better comfort for a parent than to know that you are leaving your child in the hands of the best there is…that was Phil. I always knew he would keep her safe and love her. He was a true teacher…..a friend……a hero…..a gift from God.
We will miss him greatly
Carrie, Jerry, & Danielle
Phillip was an amazing person and friend. He had a way about him of making you smile. reading these comments bring a smile to my face and a calmness to my heart to know how many peoples lives he touched and how loved he really was. I too remember the funny hair cut that phillip had in junior high and it brings back many goofy memories. I have seen Phillip here and there in the past year and everytime he seemed to be having the time of his life, always with a smile. He will be greatly missed and loved forever.
Phillip, there is not a day that will pass that you will not be missed, rest in peace.
- kylee
As the captain of the Brewzers, our hearts and prayers go out to all his friends and family. I know he will be missed as he has touched many people’s lives. No words can do justice, but we feel you’re loose as it has affected us as a team.
The Brewzers.
Jamil R Jabri
Mr. Phil (Phillip) will be missed every day going forward. Mr. Phil was the world to my seven year old. Mr. Phil taught my son how to play football, hockey, and basketball. He also taught him how to "spit", boy that was fun, and he practiced everyday for about a month, to make Mr. Phil proud. My wife, upon meeting Mr. Phil realized that he was a student at the junior high where she taught, and although he was a handful, he was the kind of kid that teachers keep going back for day after day. Phil always had a smile, and wonderful things to say about the kids that adored him as a big brother and teacher! Today my wife and I had to do one of the hardest things we have ever done, tell our son that his friend and teacher had been taken from us, much too soon, but that the love that he had for Mr. Phil and that Mr. Phil had for him will live on in him due to the life lessons he learned and the wonderful competitive spirit that Mr. Phil instilled in him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Phillip's family and the many friends, young and old, that are left to carry on.
Brooks, Jeanne, and Blake Maxwell
OK. That last one made me cry.
I cannot imagine Heaven without wonderful people like Mr. Phil! He has been a blessing in so many lives at the Children's Courtyard. Our daughters learned to love sports because of Phil. They used to check on the Stars before going to bed and ask about the scores in the morning so they could talk about the games with Mr. Phil. Yep, they are Longhorn fans! That has nothing to do with their Mom and Dad! In my Mom's words, Mr. Phil, "hung the moon". He was the perfect combination of fun, firmness and love. The kids admired him and so did that parents...that is so Special!!! We will Always be Thankful that Mr. Phil was a part of our lives! He will greatly missed. Our prayers go out to his family, friends and the young people whose lives he touched. Todd, Susan, CeCe and Molly
Mr. Phil was Samuel's favorite teacher. He used to great Sam with a "hey Sam the Man". When I had to tell him about what happened to Mr. Phil, he said-"Who is going to make us physically fit?" He also said, who will call me "Sam the Man". No one but Mr. Phil was allowed to do that. He asked if he could send a card to Mr Phil and sign it "Sam the Man". I told him we would send flowers. When he plays rock band and he does poorly on a song, he lets me know that Mr. Phil told him that was a hard song for him also. That is the kind of man that Mr. Phil was. God hand picked the most incredible person to join him. Our prayers are with his family. Be comforted in knowing the enormous amount of lives he has touched and that were changed forever by his kindness. Love, Shelley, Tim, Sarah, and Sam the Man
Ahh Phillip why did ya have to go so soon? You never let me or any team down when I would say "hey so and so has a game tomorrow, you in?" and you would not even hesitate in answering with a "heck yeah" or "fo sho". Even when you were given short notice on those late night games in to which you would have to be at work a few hours later. You would sacrifice precious hours of sleep just to be with the guys and the love of the game. Even if you knew we were gonna get pummeled and out shot 50-10, you would go into the game with a positive attitude, [even though you didn't always leave with one, LOL j/k] You loved the game and the game was good to you, it gave you an entirely seperate family that will miss you deeply. I still can't believe this is real... It was Friday night after we finally got a win in D league, we were upstairs at the Cross Bar trying to figure out on paper how we could scratch together and save the I league team from missing a season. You played "My Name is Jonas" on the juke box because you know I liked playing it on guitar hero and you said it reminded you of the kids... Dude this sucks... I remeber the last thing you told was when me and Danny Grimes were debating about how the Army could get better offensively you took the pad and paper drew up some crazy thing that was just a bunch of lines and circles and said we had it easy you had the tough job. After that you looked up from your seat gave a little smerk and said you would see me Sunday at our game. I still remeber being at game 6 of round one vs the ducks and you were giving those 2 fans from Anaheim all kinds of grief and the Stars sealing the deal that night and we went ballistic and lost our voices for the next day... We said we'd go to every home game 6 or something silly like that, maybe we should of went to the last series, both of know Robynn can't go to Redwings games but she blamed that on Nick Lachey. As I read the above comments I remember that weird goofy hair you had in junior high and I was always asking Travis what in the world is wrong with that boy? Travis would say "what? he is a goalie". Goalies are special, and man I am already missing you. I am gonna stop rambling now, because I can not spell worth a crap and this probably has readers totally lost in confused, but thats ok I wrote this for you, not them I am sure you would totally understand this. I don't know how to close this, I am not that articulate all I can say is that again you are and will be deeply missed.
--Dallas Lehr
Here is the link for Phillip at Moore Funeral Home. If you would like to sign the guest book for him, click on "guest book" on the right.
My dear Phillip...boy how I miss you. Thank you so much for being a part of my life. Going to school everyday is not the same because I am waiting for you to come into my classroom and give me a hug and talk about whatever sports is going on. You would always say, “Is there anything I can do for you?”, “Do you need anything?”. That was you Phillip- the most caring and thoughtful person. Always thinking about the people around you. Always having a smile on your face. We will always feel your spirit at the center. I wanted to talk to you about Josh Hamilton , and the home run derby. You were my sports buddy. I miss you so much. Thank you for all the help and support you gave me when you helped with my Pre-K kids. Your job as a teacher is where you needed to be. I always told you, think of all the lives you are touching and think about all the children that love you. I am so thankful I got to know you. You were like a son to me. The angels are singing because you have joined them. I miss you and I love you.
Ms. Mary
I am deeply saddened to hear of Phillip's passing. I had the opportunity to Coach Phil with the Martin Warriors hockey team. He had a quiet confidence about him, and was definitely one of the more competitive kids I ever had the pleasure to coach. He had a lot of fun with the team in the locker room, and was always joking around. Phil HATED letting a puck past him! Whether in practice or a game, the kid despised getting scored on. The teams he played on were probably the most fun I ever had in coaching, and Phil was a huge part of them. I'll never forget those years, and I'll never forget Phillip. Keep the good memories in your heart, because nobody can ever take them away from you. God Bless you Phillip.
Jim Villemaire
P.S. 3 vivid memories of Phil:
He was the first kid I remember looking down at me when Kestenbaum fractured my skull with that shot. I remember him giving me endless grief one time when he saw a Kid Rock cd in my hockey bag (he did not like Kid Rock, apparently.) The time he got so mad in practice he broke his only stick over the crossbar and had to spend the next 40 minutes playing with what looked like an oar for a rowboat.
I met Phillip a few years ago and I had the pleasure of playing on 2 teams with Phillip (Warriors & Army of Twelve Monkeys). Phillip you will be missed! God Bless you
Carl Moser
I want to thank everyone for their participation in this string, I talked with Mrs. Talley tonight and she has found some comfort from reading the comments here. You guys have made me very proud.
Mr. Phil was my teacher at Children's Courtyard. I loved Mr. Phil. He was always lots of fun and always made me feel important. I never liked sports but he got me to play baseball and I loved it. I moved from Arlington last year but I still always went to see him whenever we were in Arlington. I will miss you Mr. Phil.
well...i have known phillip over ten years.we would hang out almost ever sunday i would see him drive the chirldren's courtyard bus in the mornings and then i heard the news and i was shocked.i wish him the best of luck.and phillip i love you!!!!brittany,laura,brett,hollie,ryan
To the Talley Family...
I think it was a great testament to Phillip that his funeral service turned out the way it did. I have never attended a funeral where it was "standing room only" before the service began. Besides filling up the chapel, the lobby was filled with many, many people. When the lobby became full, they started filling up the courtyard area. I have never witnessed anything like that in my life.
Phillip was so loved by everyone he came into contact with. I pray you find some peace in knowing that.
I have to agree with the Lehr's comments. It was one of the nicest, most touching services that I have ever been to. His friends and family honored him well.
Can someone share Phil's numbers with us for our daughters to use on their teams? I think they'd love to use his number as a tribute! Thanks!
Phillip's jersey number for the Martin Warriors Varsity Hockey team was "31". I know Phillip would think that was great.
Phillip will be missed. He was a great guy and awesome hockey player. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Im glad to have known him for the short time he shared with us. May he rest in peace.
Aaron Brandt
Even after a year I am still in shock and disbelief over this tragedy. There is not a day that goes by that my daughter and I do not talk about Mr. Phil. We still love him and miss him very much. His goodness will live forever in the hearts of those he touched so dearly.
It's amazing how our family feels the same way. My kids always talk about him and remember the good times they had. It saddens my heart wishing he was here but it also makes my heart smile that my children were so wonderfully impacted by his friendship.
...and today we remember Mr. Phill as well. How lucky we are to have had him as long as we did. We will always have wonderful memories!
Came to this page today Knowing others would feel the same way!
Mr. Phill you are so missed!! I have to go back to work and my kids wont go back to the Courtyard because your not there. We let some balloons go to you last month. The kids wrote a little note on each balloon. This month we have to let some go to Miranda's bio Mother. We miss you!!
Mr. Phil, It has been two years and our hearts still ache like it did when we first heard the news. You are still very missed and loved and will be remembered forever. Today I will say an extra prayer for your family and friends and for all of the children you touched so dearly. We know you are up there keeping everyone safe and cheering for your favorite sports team just as loudly as you did when you were here with us.
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