No hockey this weekend, but free agency in the NHL is well underway. Stars co-GM, Brett Hull has secured his little buddy, Sean Avery, to spice up our next season. He made quite an impression on the league this post season, with his antics in front of Marty Brodeur. You may also remember that he left the series against the Pens with a lacerated spleen, surgery was not required and hopefully there are no lasting affects.
It would appear that the healing process is a little unconventional for Mr. Avery. At the close of the Ranger's season this year he started his internship at Vogue magazine. The guy is severely obsessed with fashion. He's been picking out shoes and leopard print vests for photo shoots, while earning minimum wage and drawing questions about his sexuality from some. He doesn't let it bother him, what his teammates or opponents might think about it, and says some women find it a turn-on.

How about those women, Sean? Dating has been very kind to Sean (unusual for multi-million dollar earning athletes, I know) carrying on his arm hottie Elisha Cuthbert or super-cougar Rachel Hunter, who knows, he could steal Jess from Romo (win, win?).

Of course for me, the connection of Avery to Texas draws me back to my childhood, watching Loony Toons on Saturday morning. Who doesn't have fond memories of Droopy, Daffy Duck, or Porky Pig? All creations of the great Tex Avery. Droopy was the character completely of his imagination, and his most popular all rights character. His style was more about slapstick comedic beats, rather than timeless characters (Sean and Marty was pretty slapstick-y). In his later years he helped develop the Raid bugs, the Frito Bandito, and to bring it all the way back around to local hockey, Chilly Willy.

As a goaltender I am supposed to find Sean Avery as some kind of bush-league, profane, blasphemous player but I gotta tell ya', I thought that the screening technique was a brilliant use of a five on three advantage. He is a smart, driven, and still young player. Not bad for a guy with no diploma who paints his nails before games. Perhaps Sean is doing different things with his fingers, but mine are crossed. I hope this all works out.
Ott and Avery on a line
I agree with the comment above. But, if you want to create twice the trouble for opponents, then you would have to put them on seperate lines. Ott is more of the enforcer and Avery is the agitator.
You put ott and avery on the same line and you get no scoring... duh.
Hopefully avery will at very least put his stick on the ice while agitating.
Avery will skate with Richards and make room for him like Morrow does for Ribs
We sign Avery but let Hagman go? WTF?!!!
aww shit, we let Hagman go? Bummer. I will miss his badassery and his mustache.
well said, BCIII.
Two words: Rachel Hunter. All you Avery-haters, at least give him his props for that.
I don't have any immediate problems with him but some of his antics on, but mostly off the ice, cause some hesitation. The refusal to do warm ups and arguments with coaches, that's what worries me.
Other than that, I think that it will cause some serious hesitation for other teams to try big hits on Morrow, Richards, Modano when they know that Ott and Avery are watching.
Fingers crossed that he doesn't get too wrapped up in his internship at Vogue this summer.
Wait a minute. I never said I hated Avery. You got to love the guy. He is a spitting image of me. Just like me, he is not afraid to tell anyone to F-off or give someone the one-finger salute. Except, I can be a nice guy at times.
the blue devils are a bunch of dirty ringers.
just wanted to go ahead and get that out of the way since the other guy seems to be falling down on the job.
The difference with Avery and you, stone cold, is he is talented. A place where you are lacking significantly.
You know, BC, I think you are only a few seasons older than me, but Rachel Hunter was a huge influence on me in my formative years. I was amazed when I found out all of these tid-bits on Avery, and that was one of the most re-assuring attributes that I discovered.
I hope StoneCold doesn't paint his nails before the game too!
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