Only one game missed by our scorekeeper this week. The new team finds a name. A few lopsided games. And... fun by the TRUCKLOAD!
Iceholes(2-0-0) 3, Spiders(1-1-0) 2

This was the first game of the night and the one that never made it to Pointstreak, so I apologize if the score is wrong. And you wouldn't believe just how crazy this game was... I could tell you, but by the time I deleted all the expletives it wouldn't retain any logic or syntax. What? Hey, that hurts. If you're so great let's see you do it!
Brewzers(1-1-0) 2, Warriors(0-2-0) 1

A huge win for the Brewzers in general and Mike Moore especially. Daniels starts off the scoring in the first for the Brew unassisted and with four seconds left, John Parker adds another. With two periods and a two goal lead the pressure rested squarely on Mike Moore, Brewzer netminder. The second ended with no change. The third sees the Warriors return to their last session form, and they finally generate the late game pressure. Unlike last session they cannot muster enough, the lone Warrior goal goes to Phil Brown. The Warrior's start is their worst in recent memory. Will the Brew Crew hang on to .500?
Patriots(2-0-0) 3, DFW Titans(1-1-0) 1

The Titans rushed the net in National league fashion, for about three minutes, but it does yeild one early goal. Unable to hold onto the rebounds from the suffocating offense, Ellis gives-up the goose egg to Kenneth Rawson (assists to Greco and Kawano), but the weight shifted from that point squarely onto the Titan end. Troy Elliot faces 24 shots to Ellis' 7 and allows a goal in each period: first, Roy Haenselmann; second, Rahul Sharma; third, Troy Ramsey. Harry Hamlin must be rolling in his grave after witnessing this performance, if he had died while watching it.
Stickmen(1-1-0) 4, Chiefs(0-3-0) 1

Jimmmy "Stone Cold" Welch makes his first impression on this "New Team", by putting the Chiefs on the kill at 4:15 into the first. The Sticks power it in with just ten seconds on the man advantage. After Jesse Henderson's goal, Jeff Thomas scores at even strength to put the Sticks up two to nil. The remarkable Chief goalie, Ben Stillwagon, shows his stuff holding off the Stickmen for almost 21 minutes allowing Troy Clarkson to bring the Chiefs within one. Momentum was finally seized by the Stickmen when Graham puts them on the powerplay again. Brian Listman collects the powerplay goal and Jeff Thomas puts it out of reach. Stillwagon faced 38 shots.
Silverwings(2-1-0) 4, Grave Diggers(0-2-0) 2

In what looked to be a very evenly matched game, the Silverwings take the lead early with goals from Justin McCullough and Alex Adkins. The Diggers finish the first with a goal from Billy Quinnand start the second with one from Wil "Newbey" Dobson. At the door, waiting for a whistle to stop play, was the tardy Cory Howard. When the whistle did blow he showed all on the rink just who the alpha male was netting two more Phantom... er, I mean Silverwing goals. The Grave Diggers are still without a win, amazingly Sirkis is without a penalty in this game (is this a coincidence?).
Snipers (2-0-0) 2, Chiefs (0-3-0) 1

Jeff Thomas finds the stat sheet again, this time for the Snipers. Stillwagon and the Chiefs quickly even it up when Steve Selner sends it to Ryan Brett for the goal. In the second Alex Eysermans regains the Sniper lead but the men in yellow refuse to let off the gas. Sexton in the Sniper goal sees only six shots while Ben Stillwagon does his best against 30 (making 68 for his double header). Despite being down by one for over twelve minutes the Chiefs run out of gas and hardly clear the puck from their zone for the remainder of the third. The new look Snipers are looking stout.
Privateers(2-0-0) 4, Blue Devils(1-1-0) 0

A first period filled with a whole lotta nothin' gives way to two periods of total domination by the Duncanville rejects. Joel Bush gets one for the Privateers then in the third Kevin McGlaun's goal is sandwich between two powerplay tallies from Cody "Bring Tha" Payne. Reflex netminder Ryan Haley claims the easy shut-out turning away seven attempts from the Blue Devils. Although the BD goalie, Jim DeBaro sees only 15 (is he imploding?). It looks like the Privateers have arrived in the land of milk and honey, maybe someone should introduce them properly to the Euless brand of I-league. Perhaps the Devils should go ahead and order that bedroom set.
Puckers(1-1-0) 3, Komets(0-2-0) 1

The Puckers are standing up for Patrick Donaghue. They chalk-up the first goal and the second with the play of only one man, David Opalecky. Well, maybe some credit should go to Donaghue. Guy Riggs gets some help on his goal from Rick Gregory and Lotis Butchko. Dustin Nation gets credit for the spoiler goal robbing Donaghue of the shut-out. Well, maybe some credit should go to Donaghue. Jeez, Pat, you have the fate of the world in your hands.
The dallas ladies beat the A&M womens team 6-2 on saturday night and 3-2 on sunday morning.
nate hodges won mvp honors
- sirkis
Does anyone know why we never have a complete schedule when the session starts? Euless I-league seems to be the only one. We never get our game times until Wednesday at the earliest, and I have to get that off of pointstreak...
my guess would be that there are so many more teams in the euless i league that other rinks. the number of teams is also never the same.
o yea...you also know that you will always play on Saturday evening....so how is it hard to plan around that?
“The judges are going to give me great technical marks for this. And now I shall spring up into a triple lutz.”: http://msn.foxsports.com/id/8054366_18_1.jpg.
(from www.sportspickle.com)
Yockey has been staying after school prepping for the TAKS. Hopefully he makes it to Jr High this year.
Will you tell us Duncanville rejects what constitutes the "Euless brand of I-league" or do we just have to find out the hard way? :-)
Thanks for the entertaining blog!
My first gripe: It's not unique to Euless at all, but honestly, is it that hard for scorekeepers to, uh, keep score (record shots properly, get at least the primary assist down), and to get it into PointStreak? There are stats there, but surely nobody thinks they actually tell you anything about relative performance of teams and players...
Privateers, D, #8
The only gripe made: The Puckers using illegal ringers last Saturday. Gregory and Botchko's were flying down the ice and their goals should not count. The Puckers should forfeit to the Komets. A protest will be made to Yockey.
"Yockey has been staying after school prepping for the TAKS. Hopefully he makes it to Jr High this year."
Is he in the same class as Nate?
To the Komets:
Gregory has been on my team for several seasons and Butchko filled in so I wouldn't finish the game with only 9 players. Besides, they only had 1 assist each and neither had a goal. So get your facts straight. Besides you have been playing with Alex "I refuse to pass" for a long time. Is it ok for you to have ringers? One more thing, have the balls to put your name instead of posting under anonymous.
hey look komets are crying again.
It only took 2 weeks for "ringer talk" to rear its ugly head.
Just ignore the Komets. They have have always been a bunch of whinebags from day one, so they can get under your skin psychologically to gain an advantage. They will cry about ringers, bad officating, poor sportsmanship and anything to gain an advantage.
In the past, they cried to Knute, accusing me of intentionally kicking one of their guys with skate and trying to get me kick out of Starcenter for good. And to finish the story. I didn't kick anyone and I'm still here playing.
I'm just glad you're not bitter about it...
what has this world come to when people consider alex "i refuse to pass" a ringer??
4 horseman of the apocalypse
and the dam army 12 ran up the score again. 23, 318, next in line.
what has this world come to when people consider alex "i refuse to pass" a ringer??
Down Right Humerous!!! When was the last time the Komets won a game? Atkins a ringer? He just show boats and seldom scores.
Correction! Atkins show boats and scores!
Without Atkins and Chris Gallahger. The Komets have to resort to crying.
How long before the phantomwings bring in David ervin?
heard GD vs silverWings is gonna be just another version of Phantoms vs VBBs
to comment on the original, relevent, post on why there isn't a schedule out....it seems that yockey just wanted to see which teams had talent and put them up against each other...
let me get this straight: chris gallager plays in the i league still? what a f'in pansy.
No, Galahger is now helping to Yockey on Saturday Nights. He is helping Yockey and Nate studying for the TAKS test.
Who is/are the Moose and where would I know their fine work from?
There is Rocky and Bullwinkle.
Sched's out for Sat. only, coords have them. Only Dave Tippett knows why.
Stone Cold - you've been kicked off of every team because A) you suck and B) you could go Columbine at any moment
i guess i'm late to this party. wow, you must have me confused with someone else, but thanks for the compliment.
Rick Gregory
Puckers #97
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