From there it was a short leap to fellow do-badder Coachwhip. This villainess doesn't have much but she does enjoy ridiculing Ringer and has a relevant name.

Image searches are still one of my favorite things to do on the net. Probably the only activity I enjoy more is Youtube searches, well, one of two things I enjoy more. For some reason I got this song stuck in my head and couldn't find it in an mp3 anywhere. I did find it here, enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihss5GYc2-w, be aware, this is mental hemlock.
Hopefully I have directed you down a path that will waste the last couple of your Friday work hours.
P.S. I am re-issuing this, because I really like it!

HAHHAHAA!!! perfect dude. That's bloody brilliant!
The green dude looks like Sharma with his visor.
Coachwhip is HOT.
me and my llama, going to the dentist, oooh-eeeeee.
thanks a lot, ellis. i'll sing this all day.
freakin' sweet
you can see Coachwhip's front bottom
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