I wish I could have watched more of the games, but what I did see was pretty extraordinary. Do you still remember what it felt like when you scored your first goal? I know not all of you have done it yet, including myself, but as a goaltender (who plays a lot of games) I have seen several people score their first. Last night I had the pleasure of getting owned by Ryan Shilet. The chaos of center ice play (characteristic of most Digger, Pucker contests) culminated in Ryan's breakaway. With no one to pass to and the chasing Digger defense, he quickly spotted the aggressive poke check grip of the goaltender and fired a quick shot through the open five hole. The most genuine of celebrations soon followed, he retrieved the puck and held it in the air. You would have never guessed as both benches erupted in cheers and even the crossbar glass thumped under dozens of fists, that his team was losing by three with less than a minute left. It is moments like this that keep me hanging around. So if you haven't scored one yet or have a hard time remembering that first one, I hope you saw this one. Just stick around and keep watching, these things still do happen, even if it is at my expense.
Here's how the first round went...
Spiders 3, Komets 2 OT, Shoot-out
The Spiders showed up ready to collect an easy win, as the Komets were short a goalie. With pinpoint passing, and dogged possessions the K-men managed to prevent the Spiders from getting a shot on for almost four minutes when a stop-gap net minder finally reached the ice. The Spider morale slipped a little when they recognized the face of Jon Ellis. Perennial all-star, Dustin Nation nets a Komet goal as the first period closed, but the Spiders pull together for a key push, and as the buzzer sounded Chris Nicoletta's equalizer slid past a sprawling Ellis. Freddy Gilbert Beats his plumber to usher the Spiders into the lead in the third. Nina "brown footed boobie" Bonifaz, plays an amazing game, especially at the close of the game. Alex Atkins could only shrug as she calmly dismantled every attempt he made at the net. But Sean Kier does manage to carry the Komets to overtime. Both netminders put up save after save leaving a shoot-out as the only resoltution. The first three are not enough, Michael Gallagher puts one in for the Komets as the fourth shooter. He is matched by Freddy, who scores again for the Spiders. Nina holds-off Baldree, and Spider's defenseman Arvin Manalo wins the game.
Army of the Twelve Monkeys 2, Warriors 1
In the first round bye, the Monkeys and Warriors had scripted a long practice session to warm up for the next round, involving the longest shoot-out in Starcenter history. But infighting and poor physical conditioning sees this game end in regulation with very little fan fair. Roy Urquhart scores the lone Warrior goal half-way through the first. The second goes by without any scoring despite the roughing call on Moser (I thought ATM/Warrior was all one big happy family). At the commencement of the third ATM/Warrior coach Bill Prittard makes the call and ATM scores two goals, Travis Lehr first then Sean Griffin for the win. Who can guess what master plan coach Prittard has developed, or why he selected the Monkeys to carry out his bidding in the Keg finals over the Warriors. The Patriot front office had its scouts following this development but no one is talking.
Iceholes 6, Snipers 2
The honeymoon must be over for Nick Murphee, Sniper goaltender. The net behind him was assaulted repeatedly, and it could have been worse. Amazingly, the first Holey goal goes to the trash talking Raul Gilbreath, with Jennings, Ellis (Paul), and the late bloomer David Base totaling four in the lopsided first. Big Joe Tomme cracks the dam for the Snipers in the second and Chris Davis cuts the Icehole's lead in half but the Holes step on the accelerator again and put the Snipers back two more via Mark Dunning and you guessed it, David Base (this guy could end up being a Conne Smythe... maybe) he also collects an assist, and seven minutes of penalties in this Sniper debacle. The Snipers will be looking to end the session with a moral victory next week, and with their performance at the end of this session things are looking good for the Sniper future.
Patriots 4, Stickmen 2
The Marquee match-up, the pick of destiny, a battle for the ages, all of these are illustrious, dramatic terms and they really do not belong with this game. A game with this much riding on it is bound to be dripping with tension and therefore this one did degrade into a little bit of a penalty-fest (none of them to Blubaugh). The proud Sticks entered this game after losing their perfect record to ATM in disastrous fashion, a point of intrigue for the Pats. But nothing would be taken for granted by the Patriots, Sabrina York was "ready to kick some [expletive]" as she waited to get on the ice. And that is just what they did. Jeff Thomas, of the Sticks, puts the Pats down early with a lateral moving shot. Brookman evens it up before heading to a tight, scoreless second. Both goaltenders seemed to be finding their rhythm when Les York and the Pats bust open the third, just sixteen seconds in and the Pats get the lead. Jason Bergen puts the Sticks down a man and Sharma takes the power play goal. Jeff Thomas strikes again to bring the Sticks within one but the Sticks never regain their composure and Gabe Rodriguez puts the stake in the Stickmen's heart, a few more penalties and the game was over. The Pats will go on to the Keg finals versus the only other team to beat the Stickmen, The Army of the Twelve Monkeys.
Blue Devils 4, Brewzers 2
When will Mike Moore's misery end? The Brewzers are an up and down team as of late, but there was no question that they would have to play their best game of this session in order to get past the Devils. Joshua Davis gives the Devils the early lead, but Paul Thurston evens it up. A new game in the second starts the same way, with a Blue Devil goal. The story of this period really begins with the Brewzers whistle problems, TWENTY MINUTES of penalties in just one eleven minute period, allowing the Devils to tally two power play goals (the first on a five on three). Jamil Al Jabri, the unquestioned heart and soul of the Brewzers squad, gives (yet again) all that he has, and the Brewzers come up short (yet again). The third sees the Blue Devils regain their two goal lead and overcome a rash of penalties to hold on for the win. Look for Ryan Wacker to make an impact in next week's game and I imagine everyone is holding a good thought for the Brewzers. I am a big believer in intangibles.
Grave Diggers 5, Puckers 2
The Diggers shock the world tonight with their first victory of the session. A Pucker team that leans heavily on their goaltender sees Patrick Donaghue tested beyond what he can bear. Questions still abound concerning the future of Donaghue,"I went out for the MHOA thing... I can still raise my right arm!", if Donaghue becomes a ref, I think that all goaltenders will win (in more ways than one). The Diggers scored after twenty three seconds tick-off into this monumental offensive display, and they just keep going. At the end of the second the score was three nil with the Puckers piling-up all of two shots on goal. The Puckers start off the third with a power play goal from Kent Gordon. The Grave Diggers score their fourth and fifth and in the final minute Ryan Shilet nets an instant legend. The Puckers will be facing many issues this off season but with a little luck they can still beat anybody. Good luck to you Diggers, you can only go up from here.
In the parking lot before the game, we have been hearing rumblings of team Mini for a long time, could this be the beginnings of team Jaguar?
P.S. Inspired by BAC, I have undertaken project: playoff beard
one week (yeah, pretty pathetic)
it's not as bad as bobby's playoff beard. Keep up the good work
Hey, last-time ATM/Warriors un-coord-inator here, on a rare check-in post. Before that, quickly, this blog has been awesome, thanks very much.
Hey, in case anybody cares (holding umbrella to shield from fallout) we all get along on our two teams - that's how we ended up with two.
What you saw out there, I don't know - we had some contact, sure, always do (putting on the Kevlar now). A check here, an ally-oop there, beating up Travis and blaming it on his brother - all in fun, just ask us.
We really all get along and nobody gets too serious enough on our bench toward any one of us -- case in point, they let ME play(!) -- which says alot for the heart of these guys.
Personally, I don't know how long I'll last, but it's fun by design for us, and anybody who gets too nutty doesn't stay on our teams.
I wouldn't know who cares (adding three-inch armor to the Kevlar suit), but we didn't orchestrate anything, really - bunch'a old guys and the youngsters who carry us, having a good, hard skate, splitting our two-team-players for the resulting short benches and inherent wheezing, mostly me - we really didn't organize the sides or who would win, any of that. Honest.
I did think a shootout would have been cool, a bit more value for the ice time, but it didn't materialize - easily becaue I could not keep up with most of my players on the other team!
Thanks again for doing this blog.
Next week - may the best team win.
Thanks to all.
Mitch G., Warriors & ATM
If they don't take it too seriously, why do they feel the need to run the score up on everyone?
We run up the score cause we are the greatest team ever to be assembled and because we can!
ATM Rules!!!!
(Adding air ducts to fallout shelter...)
who cares about anyones opinion about us. you dont have to defend us mitch. as long as we enjoy playing together and hanging out upstairs, should we care less about the rest of the leagues feelings? it's saturday night beer league hockey for crying out loud! get over yourselves (mostly just a couple of crybabies)
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