What about when that guy wrongs you, or your teammates and you can't get your pounding of flesh? Do you ever carry that over to the next meeting? Stone Cold says yes, sometimes "I have been known to hold grudges. Usually for a couple of months before letting go." Hale admits, "There have been a few occassions where people have done things that can't go unanswered. And I have done some things to get under their skin and rattle their cage a little bit, but I'm not going head hunting." I do respect this attitude to a point, but it does suck to see an opportunity for a powerplay lost to this vigilantism.
Of the people who responded to my interview only one reported having problems controlling himself off of the ice, that troubled soul is Stone Cold, "Both on and off the ice I have a tendency to react before I can think." Unlike Hale, Stone Cold has not been able to stay with one team for any period of time, he knows that it's because of his temper, which has plagued him for his whole life. He feels he has turned a corner, "I used to lose control on the ice all the time. I've argued with Refs, butted heads with teammates, coaches and team coordinators. Now I've learned to control my temper, cause I'm tired of burning bridges. The last two or three seasons my penalty minutes have gone down." I didn't have a way to contact another person, Tom Buckner, that I feel has also made a huge adjustment to his game. A big congratulations and keep it up to both of these guys, and anyone else fighting the battle.
Most everyone agrees that the ice and the real world are two different places, They all enjoy spending time in the crossbar after the game, Sirkis, "Once the game is over, it's over." And Hale says, "I almost always go up to the crossbar for some beers afterwards. So you know where to find me. J/K." I know that all of the people I singled out as hot-heads do go upstairs and I think that it is a very stand-up thing to do. Jon Hale might be just kidding but it is very important to show your face even when you have something happen on the ice that someone might take the wrong way. It, to me, lends a lot of creedance to the belief these guys have that their actions on the ice are justified.
Hale left me with one more comment,"Everyone does it, no one in our league has not ever hooked, tripped, slashed someone in some fashion." And it's true, or if it isn't just give it time. Having an injury that you caused hanging over your head would certainly affect any of these guys, but for the players I surveyed, this just doesn't happen very much, Hale did knock a guy out in another league after the guy had been playing an entire game of jackassery, without regard for anyone else, but most of the injuries that occur in this league are accidents. It's a shame but the real terrors out there aren't the "goons", but the "goofs".
I still don't really know where I stand on this whole issue, but I do believe that if everyone would learn to control there own play a little more, then these guys wouldn't be out there escalating things. It might not be their problem, but yours.
David Blubaugh hasn't yet responded to my survey, and I really wanted to get his take on things. He did tell me that the incident last week at the end of the Grave Digger's game was orchestrated to liven up a game that was practically over anyway. I found this more than a little disturbing since no one can read the mind of someone throwing a blocker in their face. Things like that can turn what was meant to be a joke into a bench clearing brawl. There really is a passion in everyone that plays in our little league, but in my opinion, this is just irresponsible.
Now before you start to indict me of being high and mighty and all, let me tell you a story. A few years ago I was playing net for a team that Knute was coaching, and from the first shift this one wing was just pushing all my buttons, messing with my stick, bumping me around, even tripping me at one point. None of the refs were seeing it, I was yelling at him and he knew he was winning. The switch flipped. I knew I was going to get this guy one way or another. I was watching and waiting but I never got my chance, his last shift ended on a whistle. I left my net while the play was stopped, came up behind him and pulled his legs out from under him. The whistles were blowing and stripes were swirling all around me, Knute stepped in to talk with the refs. And that's how I ended up serving my own penalty, watching the final minute of the game from the box, with an empty net. I'm not really proud of this, but it happened.
Good luck to everyone, I will not be at the rink this weekend. My first (maybe last) marathon is this Sunday in Austin. So I won't be watching you, but all of the enforcers will be, be safe, and keep your stick on the ice!

This being I-league, coming up making a play you're going to have people running into each other, sticks going high, it's expected
so true....that is how most of this stuff gets started. most people can't control their sticks properly and haven't quite learned how to stop on dime yet. most peoples natural reaction is to put their hands up in a defensive position. so when people skate as hard as they can to win a puck battle, accidental stick contact occurs. if it happens to you, just keep playing and hope the ref saw it....if he didn't then it was probably legal.
One of the things that i have noticed about this league is you guys and gals put it on the line every saturday. There is a certain passion that isn't carried over into the 'higher' leagues.
Everyone loses their temper on the ice at some point or another...it is understandable. just don't be the guy that loses it every other week. no one will want to play with or against you.
Stone Cold is going to be a fireman when he grows up
Thanks for the comment. I hope to put out the fire that burning inside of me.
No way Stone Cold - you'll always be a flamer
Geaux Saints!
Yeah, the Blueball thing was certainly uncalled for. He was not a party in the Brown-Sirkis skirmish, yet chose to dogpile Doug and throw a punch when Dougie was down on the ice, back turned. Third man in, so to speak.
He pulled something similar last season when he slashed one of our guys in the back/ribs with his stick when he was on the ice face down and defenseless.
Classy guy.
There's no scientific way to prove this, but he seems to be at his worst after 6 or 7 pucks get past him
......so don't score on him and you will be safe???
Yeah, the Blueball thing was certainly uncalled for. He was not a party in the Brown-Sirkis skirmish, yet chose to dogpile Doug and throw a punch when Dougie was down on the ice, back turned. Third man in, so to speak.
He pulled something similar last season when he slashed one of our guys in the back/ribs with his stick when he was on the ice face down and defenseless.
Classy guy.
There's no scientific way to prove this, but he seems to be at his worst after 6 or 7 pucks get past him
Kiss my bottom. The guy I whacked in the ribs tried to take my head off a few seconds before, and I barely hit him. And he wasn't face down, he was sitting up on the ice. I talked to him after the game and he said he was fine. And for the record, I tackeled the one guy last saturday just for the heck of it. I barely hit him, it was mainly just for show. As a matter of fact, I've never really hit any one that hard, and I usually end up becoming friends with the people I get into it with. If it bothers you that much I suggest you switch to something softer like golf or broom ball.
"......so don't score on him and you will be safe???"
Don't bitch and moan when I bump you because you're standing in my crease. Take the bump like a man, or bump back even, it's a contact sport.
Most of us play with pucks, but Blubaugh plays with balls.
Presumedly seeking revenge against the Mid-Atlantic Hockey League for calling it quits in the middle of the season, several players with the Jamestown Vikings trashed the historic Vikings Lodge on the corner of Washington and West Fourth Street early Thursday, leaving most of the building in shambles.
Everybody have fun tonight, or wang chung whatever gets you goin'. I am headed to austin in ninety minutes. My bib number is 1901, I am not sure what that information willentitle you to, or if anyone really cares, but there you go. See you next week.
jon "roger bannister" ellis
My bib number is 1620. If I beat jon, give him a lot of crap. :)
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