Half hour before game time, I go to the box office. I flash my StarCenter VIP card and say I want a half-price ticket, best they have. A man with a clipboard standing behind the ticket vendor says the half-price deal (did you know we get those?) doesn't apply on Saturdays, but he'll cut me some slack. They sell me a half-price ticket for $49.50.
I sit here, 10 rows off the glass:

Too bad the Stars didn't show up.
That's just because you are under 48" and had to sit in someones lap!
Nice seat tho!
I got a call 3 hours before the game was to begin from a season ticket holder who knew that I am a 31 year Michigan resident / Texas Transplant who would certainly appreciate getting two free tickets to this game. So I called up an I-League teammate, put on my Red Wings Jersey and headed off to enjoy an old fashion spankin'. What a great time!
um....bc is over 48"
I use my old college ID an hour before game time: all upper deck tickets $10, all lower deck tickets $25.
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