Patriots: will look to defend their title, however will have to do it without Greg Helenbrook and Nate Hodges. However Pats will still keep their stars in Steve Benefield and Butch Hutchinson as anchors for this season. Offseason acquisitions have kept the team at peak performance, and there are rumors of new coaching staff guiding the patriots. We’re trying to get word on who that may be…
Stickmen: A lackluster performance last season overshadowed some great goaltending from David Bluebaugh. If this team had some young talent that could score, this team could go places. The reliance on Jesse Henderson can only produce a .500 season at best, the rest of the stickmen need to step up, or they are doomed to middle of the pack again.
Leftovers: Can they win 2 games? Find out in December.
Puckers: We see a new team almost every game, not to mention every season. Kevin Luchenhoff, Ryan Rintala and Rob Constantine need some defense behind them, if this happens, Puckers are a top 4 team. If puckers can ditch some of their lesser players and stack up, they’ll be set.
Wet Willies: Coming off their mediocre season in the FB C league, the WW thought it was time to have a season off. Bobby Sirkis, Asian Wonder Chris Luz, SouthLake’s own Ryan Leviz, Jason Neal, Nate Hodges and Jason Islam, should easily win the keg...with a 10-0 record and a record 198 GF and 1 against The 1 goal against coming because bobby was skating drunk and scored on the wrong net.
Snipers: That Rob Mustell guy they have is really good, they should build on that.
Brewzers: These guys, if the goaltending holds up, could be the dark horse to win the keg. Pretty good defense, offense that comes at random, but they’re no match for the wet willies.
Blue Devils: These guys underachieved at the lowest level last season, some blame the lack of Todd Smith participation, others blame Ray Workman and his lack of leadership. Very possible it could be a little of both. If mike drago came back, this team may win a couple games.
Komets: No Chris Gallagher means this team will suck this season. We heard on the back of their new jerseys, it says, “In C. Gallagher we trust”.
Spiders: Were also beneficiaries of Chris Gallagher leadership, well that’s gone now, so they’ll finish .500. Not to mention when they play the wet willies, they are going to lose 20-1.
Ice Holes: If any team was going to give the Patriots or Wet Willies a little bit of a challenge, it would be the Ice Holes. Made up of many of the C league team Ice Dragons, the Ice Holes should finish in the top 4, and if the right ringers show up, possibly win it all.
Warriors: Aka the Leftovers, aka the Puckers, will hope to have a better season than this past one. They are the most consistent team in the league and are competitive in every game they play. The bad part is that they just are lacking that one guy to lift this team from a 2-1 loss to a 2-1 win.
Lets see...
Jason Isham
15 games
60 PIM
Sounds about right
yea, that fag beat me my 1 PIM!!! i worked hard to get all of mine in one game!
FB-C??? to Euless I? Bobby Sirkis in IIIIIIII???????? Why play, guys?
cuz we signed a do not shoot contract....and we promised to play drunk
Oh, ok, cool. WTF????
Leftovers will be lucky just to win 1 game this season.
they will be lucky to win 0 games this time
Who wants to play for a team that sucks like the Leftovers?
Will the Leftovers recruit ringers so they can win 1 game this season?
If anyone needs a team, the puckers are looking for players.
The leftovers might be folding since almost half of us left the team.
why don't puckers and leftover combine? puckovers?
from what i heard some of the leftovers dont exactly like some of the puckers.
stupid puckers....
Bob Sirkus, your the reason for most of the Leftovers leaving the team.
1. You failed to do your coordinator duties by filling the roster and not collecting money. Instead you forced everybody to pay Tom Yockey upfront, in which we all had to pay $ 229 instead of $ 200. Remember it is the coordinator responsibility to fill the roster and collect money from every player.
2. You always said we are here to have fun. How come is it when things don't go the way you want it to, you try to pick a fight with a girl every game? The incident that really pissed me off was against the Brewsers and you blatantly checked Jennifer Leonard into the boards with 5 seconds remaining in the game. If I was one of Brewsers, I wouldn't just kick your ass. I would kill you.
3. You don't bend the rules like the other coordinators do, by recruiting at least 1 or 2 ringers on your roster. (I don't mean to bad mouth the coordinators. You did your job.) If you get off your lazy ass and recruit a ringer, the Leftovers will be a .500 team.
If you don't win at least 4 games this season. The players will likely get up and tell you f_ _k you and leave the team.
I'm an ex-Leftover. And I agree with Stone Cold's comments 100 percent.
Bob fails to send reminder e-mails, bullies all the women on the ice and creates problems to were the team is not having any fun.
Winning takes the sting out of losing. The Leftovers prove they cannot win.
Jimmy is right! You are responsable for filling the team roster and collecting the money. We all got screwed out of the payment! Therefore I'm glad to no longer be a Leftover.
Bob is a jackass!
how was the leftovers roster not filled? wasnt there like at least 13-14 people at MOST of the games? and i think calling someone out on a public forum shows a lack of character. this maybe should have been done privatly via email.
"3. You don't bend the rules like the other coordinators do, by recruiting at least 1 or 2 ringers on your roster. (I don't mean to bad mouth the coordinators. You did your job.) If you get off your lazy ass and recruit a ringer, the Leftovers will be a .500 team."
Get your facts straight before you go running your mouth. The leftovers suck because they waste their time whinning and crying instead of trying to play hockey as a team. The stickmen are a better than .500 team with NO ringers. No one on my team stands out. We win because we play as a team and don't squabble with each other about the games we lose. The only difference losing Bobby would make is you'd have to find a new scapegoat.
IS that serious a C-league is playing in I-league?? how sad if it is true. i know that is a waste of everyone money and a waste of a game. I think the I league is great how it is, there are no blow outs and every game is close.
I agree. If that is true about the Wet Willys being a C-league team then that's pathetic. It's sad that you have to come down to I-league to make yourselves feel better. I hope you win the keg undefeated. Maybe after beating up on some I-leaguers you'll actually grow a pair and leave. Good luck to you guys.
damon, we wouldn't beat up on a few i-leaguers, we want to beat up all i-leaguers! kidding on that. i was joking around with yockey that i was moving my c league team down. i have sent him an email and i hope he has it corrected. we have grown our pairs a while back and have no intention of playing i, unless my dad's team wants to scrimage so i have a legit reason to beat is ass!!! :)
Whew! Thanks, Bobby. Ya kook.
- Mitch Gnatowsky (Warriors)
That's cool. I wasn't going to gripe that much about it; that's all I was going to say. At my level everybody is a C-leaguer to me. So, I would've skated and sucked just as bad anyway : ) And I'm glad to hear about your pairs.
Where is the Heart??
Bunch of cowards...bring on the Wet Whatevers!!! Just think how much fun it would be to beat those guys. I mean if Rudy can get a tackle...then the Wet boyz can be beaten. I have never in all my years seen so many F'ing whine bag losers in my life. All you guys do is bitch every F'ing season. Ringer this and Ringer that… You are worse than a bunch of nagging PMS’ing women. I bet Kung Fu fighting Bev could whip all of your butts. Quit strapping on your skates and playing a man's sport if you are going to be a freaking puss. I bet you same bunch of fags set at home on Saturday's and Sunday's and blame football players for choking or for being weak or having no heart. Then you log on here to whine like a little girl because there is people in this league that can score on your ass and make you look stupid on skates.
I bet a lot of you water cooler monkey’s stand around on Monday and make it known throughout the office that you play hockey. That makes you a tough SOB huh? I bet you don’t tell them how you whine like a baby on the blog because you can’t hang. Show up to open skates, show up to stick and puck; show up to F’ing practice. It amazes me how many people complain and how few show up to practice at the opening of the season; probably the same people asking for fewer practices and more games.
Grow a freaking pair and enjoy one of the greatest games and drink your beer and shut the F up!
I am probably one of the worst players in this league, but I will not get better playing lame Asses that can't skate.
The question is how bad do you want to win...enough to make the effort to get better?
who was the douche bag above?
you get better by playing against people that are better than you, yes that is true to a point. those players have to be within a certain skill set so you would actually have a chance to compete or do something. in a competitive game, if you play against people that are in a different skill set you will not get better. you have admitted that you are not a good player. i am pretty sure that you would not get better playing a team like the wet willys. pulling up past discussion about ringers, look at some of these stats. hodges only had 4 assists in 17 games and isham had 2g and 2a in 15 games. those guys are considered ringers in the i league. point is, it wouldn't help anyone get better to play against this team in the i league. that is the point i think many were expressing.
Yeah, I love the big tough guys who make big comments, but still make them anonymous. You're cool dude.
it was probably rich duvall trying to stir up trouble again
Wow. I must have left something to that guy/girl's imagination. Damn shame. Can't make a joke with a friend anymore, enjoy adding a post to a blog... without some anonymous ass-bag casting aspersions and making way wrong assumptions - so hey, step up in person, anytime.
(If that was Nate or Bobby, you got me, and you guys are so done, haha ;-) )
i don't read or post comments on the blog
i don't read or post comments on the blog
Dude above Chill the hell out...geez it is weekend hockey and blog bitching is a part of it! :)
"Puckers: We see a new team almost every game, not to mention every season. Kevin Luchenhoff, Ryan Rintala and Rob Constantine need some defense behind them, if this happens, Puckers are a top 4 team. If puckers can ditch some of their lesser players and stack up, they’ll be set."
Kiss my ass, Nate! Since you seem to appear on every team that ever plays against the Puckers, someone might give you a love tap up close and personal the next time you try to take one coast to coast.
above comment...
was the leftovers able to make a team?'re so short you play handball against the curb.
tell me something i haven't heard 8,000 times before douche fag.
word on the street is the leftovers have a team. the name of the team could also be changed to startovers, cause that is what is happening.
bac....have you heard this one?
you are so small, women mistake your for a tampoon.
work on not falling down when islam touches you in the corner.
Crowded elevators smell different to Nate.
Q. What do you get if you cross Nate with Dracula?
A. A vampire that sucks blood from your kneecaps.
Q: Why does Nate laugh when he is playing football?
A. because the grass is tickling his balls.
Nate is so short you can see his feet in his drivers licenses photo.
Nate has to stand on a penny to piss on a dime
Q: What do Nate’s gay buddies call him?
A: Low Blow
And you can also say Nate won the Keg and your sorry asses didn't.
bac defender
And Nate, please take a couple of days off and actually take off your gear and wash it before you start getting penalties for that stench.
uh oh.....there is a little balls supporter out there!!!!
Marky Mark,
Cowboys have a kicker that can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Do the Aints have a kicker?
Tell the Aints to find a ringer to kick the ball! It's not difficult. He just have to put the ball thru the uprights. Something Olendo Mare prove he could't do last Sunday.
That was a great game....and for a kicker to nail that field goal about cold blooded cool!
They can't pull that kind of game next week or New England will own them; if they dont already.
5 INTS and a Fumble from your "star" QB (Against the freakin bills)is nothing to celebrate jimmy.
Yeah you won a nice game, the cowboys D played great and is the reason the cowboys won.
However if the cowboys have ANY resemblance to that game last night in the game against the pats, their going to get killed.
Is it true nate has only been playing hockey for a year? If so, I hate him.
why hate nate for playing hockey? there are tons of other things to hate him for
some of the stingers are forming a d-league team. this should be fun
True, the Dallas offense sucked last night, but they did score more than 3 points (unlike the bills offense). The only thing that kept the bills in the game was the fact that we kept throwing the ball to their defense and couldn't stop their special teams. Romo has a better record than Aikmen who was 1 - 14 at first, and he went on to be a champ... so, recognize b*tches...
Brady > Romo
recognize b*tches
Bac, I would rather win ugly than not win at all. And as much of a die hard Cowboy fan I am, I don't mean to be pessimistic. I think the Boys will get their ass kicked by the Patriots next Sunday.
of course dude, a win is a win.
however if you are a championship caliber team, as i believe the cowboys are at, or near. Games like that are not the games played by contenders.
If puckers can ditch some of their lesser players and stack up, they’ll be set."
I League is the lowest level. If people aren't good enough for I league where are they supposed to play? Are you saying that if you aren't born being a great player they shouldn't even bother to play? That is what is wrong with this league.
that is not what is wrong with the league. the problem is people do not show for practices
"I League is the lowest level. If people aren't good enough for I league where are they supposed to play? Are you saying that if you aren't born being a great player they shouldn't even bother to play? That is what is wrong with this league."
You missed the point. Yockey keeps trying to install a couple of development teams to help people improve, but apparently there are not enough bad players willing to do what it takes to get better and show up for practices, public skates and drop-ins. So, to defend Nate's assessment.....players like that are not making you or your team better. So why keep them on your roster.
BAC Defender
PS- most all of the Patriots roster was picked up from public skates and drop-ins within the past few years. Coincidence they finally won a keg? I think not. Beyond the sarcasm here is the point that it takes time. Please spend less time on the blog and more time getting better.
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