So, we finally made it over to the NYTEX complex. Things are really shaping up over there. (However, all the new paint raises a good question: How much purple is too much purple?)
Hockey honcho Knute Anderson offered the nickel tour, and we paid 20 bucks for their weekly hockey lesson-and-pickup combo. It's the deal of the week. Brahmas coach Dan Wildfong put about 10-15 of us through the paces in an hourlong lesson. The focus was pretty basic -- proper stance, stride, stickhandling. Lots of individual attention. The class is 15 bucks if you don't want to do the pickup game afterward.
The pickup was a mite crowded but fast and fun. Lots of youngsters. The ice was on the soft side, but we're told they're working to get the humidity under control in there.
Knute says pickup at NYTEX will be every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p.m. The classes (for which you can just show up) will continue every Thursday at 8 p.m. The website, www.nytexsports.com, should be up and running soon.
Other tidbits: A slew of I-league teams are said to have signed up, and D-, C-, and B-leagues are already underway. The pro-shop is open. Looks like nothing real fancy, but it's nice. And like all the others, you get to pay $215 for a stick if yours breaks.
And, there's news on the fate of the former Olympic-sized rink over there: It will be a massive volleyball arena. A local volleyball club has agreed to rent it. The sand floor will be paved and covered with an all-sport surface that can be used for v-ball, rollerhockey or whatever else.
We're not shilling for these guys (promise), but it's obvious they have their sh*t together. We predict a real drain on the Euless StarCenter, or at least a need for the Stars to step up and compete for our business. Any way you look at it, that's a good thing.
what day does the i-league play over there?
sweet....volleyball chicks.....im there
Those guys are just dumb! I don't understand why they are having it on Sat. Why don't they try Fri. or any night when there isn't an I league already playing. Instead of trying to take a few player from Euless the could have the whole lot of us on a different night.
there are whole teams leaving Euless for NYTEX
what if they already have those 'prime' ice spots already booked? like maybe youth hockey? or maybe some other adult leagues? i league hockey isn't the only hockey league out there. although, what is going to happen when there is a brahmas game on the same night as a beer league game?
That's my whole point. There maybe a few whole teams leaving(although nobody has come forward to say they are) but they could have every team playing there instead of just a few.
The Pee Pee Pants are playing there!
The Borrachos are leaving. If you weren't asked to leave with them, then they don't want you
We played the Borrachos in a D-1 game last week so they aren't in the I league there. We beat them 11-3 with only 9 skaters and NO ringers.
Played there tonight. The place looks really good.
a little bird told me that they arent competing w/ the Stars Center, but if you were to see the board of the teams coming over (15 of them all divisions) I dont they are having a problem filling it up. Sounds like Euless needs to step it up and alot more than a few people are coming
Euless is shooting themselves in the foot by not policing the leagues. It is simple as that :(
Everyone used to blame Knute. Now, it looks like the problem is higher up.
I've heard of4 teams making the jump to Nytex - Borrachos, Stingers, Mayhem, and the Fugaweez
i can see the review for the first week of the play offs....
"the stinger, motivated by the patriots week one win over the Mayem, bet the patriots 3-1"
Touche Sir
I heard the stingers win may be forefit due to roster violations.
And if you have already told the SC that you are leaving, there might not be much to keep them from doing it. You guys are such geniuses.
Maybe that review is why BAC has not yet posted the results?
you probably heard that from one, maybe two, people that can't take losing fair and square. We watched the entire game and no one 'stood' out, ie ringing.
"Maybe that review is why BAC has not yet posted the results?"
usually they aren't posted until a few days after anyway. possibly so he can get all the stats from all the games. possibly he is getting islam a sack of nuts.
what is going to happen when there is a brahmas game on the same night as a beer league game? - I asked Knute that last Thurs night. As I understand it, the TxBs will only use one sheet. The other will host I-league. After the "big boys" are done, the "old ones" will take the prime sheet too. If the league get "too big" some games might go to Friday night...
anyone know if I league at NYTEX will be using pointstreak or any other stat tracking so I can keep up with how great I am?
As of right now....
its Stingers vs Mayhem, Komets vs Blue Devils for keg games.
Awaiting Yockey's confirmation.
as for results, we are trying to hunt down scoresheets.
7/14: mayem claim jihad against islam
and the only team that beat both silver division keg participants is....
"I heard the stingers win may be forefit due to roster violations."
The patriots can complain but the stingers only had 2 subs and both were legal.
keg championship.......it doesn't matter.....the keg has been blown up.
and the only team that beat both silver division keg participants is....
"and the only team that beat both silver division keg participants is....
And this matters, why?!
it just does, ok!!
Oh Ok, silly me, now I get it. Thanks for the explanation!
I'm a Patriot...
Stingers won fair and square Saturday. Congrats to them--good luck Saturday in the Keg game.
There will be no Patriots complaining/whining about the Stingers or the refs.
In another note, half of the Patriots are leaving (for various reasons) at seasons end. If you are looking for a new team, let us know.
While we are on the subject of Patriots.....
How about that Jeff Vaughan? I, for one, think he's "Hot and Hunky".
What say you?
The terms of my parole will not allow me to comment...
I play hockey under house arrest. I wear a tracking bracelet under my left shin pad.
I also put pickle juice in my cup.
Oh, so that was a tracking bracelet. I thought, just maybe, you were "Happy" to see me.
Pickle juice in your cup is just weird! What are you? A total Freak?!
and the only team that beat both silver division keg participants is....
The Puckers beat the Fugs and Brewzers. Does that mean we should be in 3rd?
So who's gonna be the new whipping boy for ringa hatas now that the Borrachos have moved on.....
no that means you rented a team against the Fugs
Didn't have to rent a team, what with the Fugs scoring on themselves.
i am interested in joining the Patroits.
I'm going to play for the Komets, Patriots, Mayhem, Stickmen and Borrachos next session
So lets get this right, No Borrachos, No Mayhem, No Stingers, No Jeff Vaughn, No Briscoe, No Stuckemens, No Isham, the Patriots are exploding, No Little Ball of Hate! Man the Eueless SC is going to be a real I-League! And Boring!
you may still have the #3 person on the list of people that should be banned from i league floating around
I don't understand. the Stingers have had the same team all year and and now it's unfair. What little bitches. We had 3 guys out of town including the Total eclips. we used the goalie from the last place I league team. So quit crying and if you want to call teams out stop posting under anonymous.
Stinger3 said...
I don't understand. the Stingers have had the same team all year and and now it's unfair. What little bitches. We had 3 guys out of town including the Total eclips. we used the goalie from the last place I league team. So quit crying and if you want to call teams out stop posting under anonymous.
4:58 PM
Enjoy the thrashing on Saturday!
I want to go to the top of a really tall building, take a leak, finish, zip up, and then have my pee hit the ground. I want my entire pee to be airborne. Man I love beer.
anyone need a goalie next season
Don't discount how good the last place goalie is. The reason his team sucks so bad is because they have not offense, not because he isn't an outstanding goal tender. The first week of this league everyone was calling him the "ringer."
Bottom line, though... Stingers won fair and square.
David rocks!!!! I wasn't even there on Saturday. I was one of the ones out of town. I just get tired of all the crying. the truth is ......... I love you guys.
"anyone need a goalie next season"
Who's the goalie?
you can just call me mr 5 hole
the leftovers need a goalie for next season
the leftover need some talent for next season also
I appreciate all the intrest in the Patriots. While we are losing several players, we are gaining as well. I now expect we will have a full roster (24 hours ago I was stressed).
On a side note to the stingers..Yockey spoke with me about the game and I informed him it was balanced and that there were no "ringers" in the game. We were just outscored.
Pats #26
*cough* no NEW rigers *cough* *cough*
"*cough* no NEW rigers *cough* *cough*"
What exactly is a riger?
Only thing I can think of is possibly a cross between a raccoon and a tiger?
Yes, No?!
I hope all you knuckle heads STAY in Euless!
Robin & Dana... you know what Saturday night is, right?
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