We sat down with our favorite referee of all time and got to know what goes inside that old cooky mind.
Q. How did you get the name Olson?
A. Shouldn’t you be in prison?
Q. How long have you been Refing?
A. Longer than you’ve been alive.
Q. What is your most favorite memory in life?
A. When I Parted the Red Sea and Killed JFK.
Q. What is your Favorite type of Music?
A. Whatever I can get my freak on to.
Q. What meets your standards for women?
A. Breathing
Q. Are you a fan of movies?
A. Only movies with Brad Pitt. Oh how I love that man.
Q. What is your favorite song?
A. Hungry like the wolf.
Q. Do you have any pets
A. Yes, a Falcon named Mordecai
Q. Did you used to play hockey as a kid?
A. I am hockey
Q. Are you a ladies man?
A. I can’t help I give the ladies what they want….
Q. Are you going to call more penalties on me for doing this interview?
A. I wouldn’t even bother getting on the ice…
coming later this week:
That's the funniest thing yet on this blog! Nice job Nate!
i can actually hear his nasty ass voice when i read the answers!!
I'd like to see an interview with Mordecai the falcon
Hysterical! Made me laugh!
When he refs our games it makes me feel kinda funny... like climbing the ropes in gym class.
Nate: That was freakin' brilliant. Thanks.
Do all of the residents in the retirement village have to wear a red helmet?? Or do they just want some warning for when Olson comes around... maybe HE wears it for when the "breathing" women "mob" him trying to get at "all that."
OMG! too funny....good job Nate.....mom#41
Olson has peanut butter in his jock
That is funny as hell! Thanks Nate!
Stone Cold
Did Olson give you nip from his flask?
Favorite Olsonisms:
Olson skating by our bench flipping us the bird behind his back...
"Hey Olson, the game's over there..." Olson: "There's no pretty women over there..."
"Olson, what the hell are we paying you for, we should get a discount for all the missed calls" Olson: "They don't pay me enough to watch this sh_t!"
Olson does a pirouette by our bench "Hey, how'd you all like that?" "Olson, you must be taking your Centrum Silver..."
or better yet when olson called an offsides call on a team skating the puck back into their defensive zone....
His photo reminds me of the old SNL character Mike Myers did of a little kid named Phillip teathered to the jungle gym in the playground.
"or better yet when olson called an offsides call on a team skating the puck back into their defensive zone...."
HAHA!!!!!!! Nate that was me!!!!!I was pissed. I think it was when we were playing you guys (the phantoms). Was that the same game i scored in off the white pipe and neither ref was paying attention? all 10 skaters on the ice stopped for the center face off and neither ref knew what was going on? Olson is blind sometimes...probably thinking about the teenage girls on his myspace page.
Psycho Patti
Olson gets as many calls right a game as he has teeth.
The Blue Devils
(remember that Saturday night Scotty)
jason, that goal never went in.
i heard that olson wears that helmet in bed. because when he is getting intentionally grounded in the end zone it protects the wall from his head.
That helmet looks like sparing gear from a boxing gym. Maybe he has been taking too many blows to the head and that explains all the bad calls he is making.
its so easy to tell which comments are by sirkis
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