After a couple practices and such, we're ready to kick off another competitive season....
So despite the fact we had this done last night, but got owned when out power went out, here is the line-up for this weekend….
6:30pm (Gold) Mayhem vs Patriots
The Cold War continues in the rematch of last season’s glorious keg match, patriots look for revenge while Coach Bobby Sirkis looks for continued perfection against BAC.
7:30pm (Green) Blue Devils vs Shockers
Blue Devils hope to make another strong season while dancing hippo Ray Workman has promised an undefeated season. Shockers have always started well to begin a season, we’ll see how they fare against Todd Smith’s Goonery.
7:45pm (Gold) Stickmen vs Borrachos
Stickmen were one of the hottest teams to close out last season, but so were the borrachos. Stuckeman and super ringer Shawn Haley look to carry the Borrachos on a strong season. Jeff Vaughan says attend this one and get a Jeff Vaughan autographed bench towel…
8:45pm (Green) Puckers vs Spiders-Platinum
We get to see the new spiders-platinum team roll out. Apparently silver was too plain sounding. Puckers will have Rob Constantine to fear while the Spiders-Plat. Have their own secret weapons….
9pm (Gold) Stingers vs Warriors
Stinger hoping to reverse last season’s mediocrity with a win over the newly formed warriors team. We hear the warriors are a good portion of last season’s fugs team? Josh Briscoe has declared this game a game for the ages….
10pm (Green) Snipers vs Fugaweez
Snipers begin the defense of their keg title against a reset fugaweez team. We don’t know how the fugs look this season; we’ve heard there was massive reconstruction. Jesse Henderson will be buying everyone shots before the game…bring the kids…
10:15pm (Gold) Komets vs Brewzers
This showdown features a rematch of last season’s Silver 3rd place game. Komets were busy during the offseason by picking up Alex Atkins from the Injured Reserve, while getting their top defenseman Nate Hodges back as well as scoring champion Chris Gallagher. Brewzers will probably unleash Andy Thomas…
11:15pm (Green)
Spiders-Gold vs Ice Holes
Spiders hope to also reverse their dismal season last year with a better one, however have to face an Ice Holes team bent on perfection. Rahul Gilbreth is rumored to have put on 90 pounds of pure muscle.
11:30pm (Gold) Practice-Leftovers
We can predict the Leftovers will not lose this one….
7:30pm (Green) Blue Devils vs Shockers
Blue Devils hope to make another strong season while dancing hippo Ray Workman has promised an undefeated season. Shockers have always started well to begin a season, we’ll see how they fare against Todd Smith’s Goonery.
7:45pm (Gold) Stickmen vs Borrachos
Stickmen were one of the hottest teams to close out last season, but so were the borrachos. Stuckeman and super ringer Shawn Haley look to carry the Borrachos on a strong season. Jeff Vaughan says attend this one and get a Jeff Vaughan autographed bench towel…
8:45pm (Green) Puckers vs Spiders-Platinum
We get to see the new spiders-platinum team roll out. Apparently silver was too plain sounding. Puckers will have Rob Constantine to fear while the Spiders-Plat. Have their own secret weapons….
9pm (Gold) Stingers vs Warriors
Stinger hoping to reverse last season’s mediocrity with a win over the newly formed warriors team. We hear the warriors are a good portion of last season’s fugs team? Josh Briscoe has declared this game a game for the ages….
10pm (Green) Snipers vs Fugaweez
Snipers begin the defense of their keg title against a reset fugaweez team. We don’t know how the fugs look this season; we’ve heard there was massive reconstruction. Jesse Henderson will be buying everyone shots before the game…bring the kids…
10:15pm (Gold) Komets vs Brewzers
This showdown features a rematch of last season’s Silver 3rd place game. Komets were busy during the offseason by picking up Alex Atkins from the Injured Reserve, while getting their top defenseman Nate Hodges back as well as scoring champion Chris Gallagher. Brewzers will probably unleash Andy Thomas…
11:15pm (Green)
Spiders-Gold vs Ice Holes
Spiders hope to also reverse their dismal season last year with a better one, however have to face an Ice Holes team bent on perfection. Rahul Gilbreth is rumored to have put on 90 pounds of pure muscle.
11:30pm (Gold) Practice-Leftovers
We can predict the Leftovers will not lose this one….
Divisions are…..
Gold-8 Teams
Ice Holes
-All gold teams will play each other one time for a total of 7 games.
-The Gold Division will then have a 2 week playoff.
-The first week will be a semi-final between the top 4 teams with the winners playing for the championship the following week and the losers playing for 3rd place the following week.
-We will do the same format for 5th-8th place. (That way each team plays competitive games the last two weeks of the season and no team plays any other team more than twice and each team has 9 games and 3 practices)
Silver-9 Teams
Blue Devils
-All Silver teams will play each other one time for a total of 8 games. The 9th game will be a playoff game (Just like it always has been)
-Since there are an odd number of teams a different team was given a full ice practice each week so that over a 10 week period there will have 9 games an 1 practice.
-The full ice practice will always be in the 11:30 PM slot so that each team has that slot one time. -Rather than leave one team out of the playoffs it was decided that 8th will play 9th and the winner will play 7th in a game later the same night.
-So if a team finishes 8th or 9th they have the chance to play 2 games the final night and get an extra game.
-Aside from that the playoffs will be 1v2, 3v4, 5v6.
Gold-8 Teams
Ice Holes
-All gold teams will play each other one time for a total of 7 games.
-The Gold Division will then have a 2 week playoff.
-The first week will be a semi-final between the top 4 teams with the winners playing for the championship the following week and the losers playing for 3rd place the following week.
-We will do the same format for 5th-8th place. (That way each team plays competitive games the last two weeks of the season and no team plays any other team more than twice and each team has 9 games and 3 practices)
Silver-9 Teams
Blue Devils
-All Silver teams will play each other one time for a total of 8 games. The 9th game will be a playoff game (Just like it always has been)
-Since there are an odd number of teams a different team was given a full ice practice each week so that over a 10 week period there will have 9 games an 1 practice.
-The full ice practice will always be in the 11:30 PM slot so that each team has that slot one time. -Rather than leave one team out of the playoffs it was decided that 8th will play 9th and the winner will play 7th in a game later the same night.
-So if a team finishes 8th or 9th they have the chance to play 2 games the final night and get an extra game.
-Aside from that the playoffs will be 1v2, 3v4, 5v6.
rest of the season....
Additional Information
1. Teams that have paid in full, either the team fee or individually, with payments totaling $2900 or more may have
have 2 subs. However these subs must appear on your roster and they must have proof of USA Hockey insurance.
2. Players who have not paid their league fees will not be allowed to skate, except for subs as indicated above. There
will be no exceptions.
3. Coordinators must check-in and provide us with a roster a minimum of 45 minutes before your first game. If you
have already provided a roster and made full team payment you do not need to arrive early to check-in.
4. No subs will be allowed to play for teams that are not paid in full.
From Keith and Tom
“We truly appreciate your business and your patience as we transition to a new season under a new hockey manager. Tom Yockey and myself will do everything we can to make sure you have a great experience. I have spoken to quite a few of you and have received some very good suggestions and we will certainly implement some of them going forward, especially an easier registration process for returning players and teams next session.”
i like it that they're referring to us (repeatedly recently) as customers. "we appc your business"
that's a first.
now if they'd just police the ringers. there's a guy in d-league with 76 points in 30 games. gee whiz, you think he might be playing below his level? there's another kid averaging 2.6 ppg and wearing a texas tornado jersey. gee, i wonder if he belongs? what's wrong, afraid to play at your own level? another kid is still in high school and playing for a kids' all-star team in duncanville. gee, he might not belong, eh? the lack of attention to these details on the part of management makes playing at euless less fun than it should be.
andresen should take this seriously, because some teams are looking elsewhere for leagues that don't allow teenagers to kick oldsters' asses. in any other context, we would call it cheating. that's what it is.
Wheee! Here we go...
some one que the beer nazi!
Andy Thomas no longer subs for I league. I have officialy hung them up in I league and wish everyone the best. And just for the record, the Brewzers only won one game with me in the past 2 seasons and 6 games I subbed for them. Have a great season everybody!
I love ringer talk......Yay!!!
The guy earlier is exactly right. Get rid of the teenage high school players in the 'D' league. Then, some of the 'I' league teams can move up and actually compete in the 'D' league.
Getting rid of high school and club hockey players should be the easiest thing in the world to do. If you played hockey on high school or club team, then you have no business being in the 'D' league (or the 'C' league for that matter).
Some of you guys may not like ringer talk. But, the reason it is such a problem today, is because everybody avoids talking about it publicly.
That's a good point: The D-League problem exacerbates the I-League problem because guys are afraid to move up. So all the leagues are screwed up because nobody in scenter management does anything to eliminate the obvious cheaters. I'll give you another for-instance. Why wasn't Hockey Team forced to move up after a 20-1 finish in D-League last summer? They're out there pasting teams 10-0 this season. Who is that fun for? Not for the losers, I promise. And I'd venture to guess not so much fun for Hockey Team, either. That's not competition. You're not proving anything, guys. You improve only by playing at your level or higher. At some rinks, the adult players are rated at the start of the season during a pond hockey game and placed appropriately. Guys aren't allowed to sandbag. That's fair.
I have pickles in my pants, Chuck.
OMG ... it's sad really. It really is
You guys can just stop whining about ringers. With exceptions, all of the games were close last year except for the Hockey Team. You can get better by playing against these players so you can shut up and deal with it.
You sir are completely wrong. This has nothing to do with close games. It has everything to do with having fun competing with guys that play a team sport.
The 6 or 8 kids that have just come out of high school or club hockey do not play the same team game as the rest of the league.
-They hog the puck, even when they have wide open teammates.
-They cause bad feelings on the ice due to showboating.
Looking at the scoresheet for the 'D' league tonight, I see that one of the young guns has scored 6 goals. Six ! What the hell happened to sharing the puck with the lesser skilled players. If you watch these games, you will see that these guys look only to score, nothing else.
These guys certainly do not improve everyone's else's skill level around them. Team passing improves everyone's skill level.
Chasing one guy up and down the ice is neither fun nor productive.
Completely agree ! It's not really about wins and losses. It is about having fun.
It is not much fun playing some of these guys anymore. We pay good money to play hockey here in Euless. Shame that a few players (kids) ruin it for the rest of the league.
This is an official warning to I league ringers. I will take you out in the game. I will. Its a promise. It starts tonight.
Will you take me out to a fancy restaurant?
LMAO ... I love crybabies
If you take a look at pointstreak standings for individual goals and assists one glaring stat sticks out. The Beerflyers only have one person in the top 25 scorers and they're the number one team this year. They're a team and not a bunch of individual hotshots. All you have to do is look at the top 2 points leaders and know that most of thier games are won by those 2 guys. Heck, the last Hockey Team game they won 12 to 2 and guess who had half their points?
thanks for the "official warning". here is my "official apology" for putting you in the hospital when you cheap shot one of my players.
I agree with that guy. The more we check or slash these ringers, the better the chances that they will get hurt and can't play, or they will get tired of it and quit. I'M IN!!!!
then the ringers, (who can skate better than you can) will obliterate you at open ice when your head is down...
You Goons are retarted. Don't you think that we have been hacked and slashed our whole lives? It's hockey. You can't catch us if you tried and if you do slash, big effing deal. We will score on you while you are in the box and after 3 penalties your out of the game anyway....great idea!
Or wait, I'm scared and it think I am going to quit...give me a break.
Is it game time yet? YAY HOCKEY!
Anyone wearing Anonymous on their jersey tonight is getting run by me. I can't tell you dudes apart
Anyone who plays in both I-league and D-league, and then complains about ringers in D-league is a hypocrite.
Goons are just players who suck and think hockey is all about hurting people F*** OFF!!
Regarding that player who got 6 goals last night. Hmmm, all those goals were assisted...I bet the players who got those assists had a great time.
Thanks Keith for running such fun leagues! These better pljavascript:void(0)
Publish Your Commentayers make it better for us lesser players. If everyone played like me, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
I started skating in December...I like both having the ringers on my team and playing against teams with ringers. I'm able to learn by watching and by working hard to match their skill level, plus the ones on my team give great instruction/advice. So far, since starting not even 6 months ago, I've had two goals and am looking forward to getting more. The people who spend all their time crying about ringers are probably so caught up in it that they are missing their opportunities to score, make plays, etc... Again, I've been learning from the ringers, maybe you guys should too.
Oh...and one more thing, only little kids threaten other people just because their not getting their way. Whoever made the post about "taking out" a ringer has got to be the biggest crybaby I've ever heard. Grow up and lose the diaper!
Great points about skating with better players. With that attitude, if you're not already better than the complainers, you soon will be!
2 I League goals. Somebody call Canada and tell em we got a prospect here!
I did it. I killed a ringer.
Ringer death.
something to think about......can the a league have ringers?
Yes, they are called "Brahmas".
No bull.
get it?
if there are ringers in the a league, wouldn't you expect a trickle down effect?
we heard that in the NY Islanders/Buffalo game yesterday, the Islanders are claiming the Sabers had ringers.
The NHL is looking into it right now...
carrie sucks
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