We have been promised the remaining scheduel as soon as everyone gets $$$ in, as well as a proper count of teams, divisions, etc....
(from the looks of it, new teams are Fury and Spiders Silver, while we believe Fugaweez have become the Thugs)
A renegade info-blog of the Euless Senior Hockey Leagues
Hey, Ladies and Gents - The Thugs (that's us!) are mostly ex-Fugaweez - with sexier jerseys - when the order comes through, ha!
So the Fugs are still a team all their own - the Thugs look forward to some great games with solid play this season.
18 teams .... YAY
thats awsome guys i think this summer session will be a great one.
found out that the fury still needs people. if interested go sign up with that team.
18 teams sucks. Are there really that many i-leaguers out there?
Now Sharma and Hodges get to play 5 games a night.
18 dont suck, that means longer seasons and playoff series what sucks about that man?
playing @ 11:30
Longer seasons? Playoff series? A playoff system based on 8 regular season games is hardly representative. I am pretty sure this session is going to be only 12 (3 practices again?) since the Star Center is not giving the ice time away, and MHOA does not do charity. And if the reward for bringing in ringers was extra games, then they would have to rename this the ringer league.
"Now Sharma and Hodges get to play 5 games a night"
Is that a challenge?
word at DPSC is that the season will be longer and yea games might start at 11:00 or 11:30. there might not be playoff series but there is talk of two rounds of playoffs. you know GV has a Real I-leauge if Euless is to hard for you.
Thugs have now become the Warriors
(we still would have promoted Jihad, Blizkreig, Drunk Russians, or Spartans over Warriors)
I am selling my remaining Stars playoff tickets for Rounds 2-4. Anyone interested?
You can sell them to the NHL refs...
I heard they have some extra $$ on their hands, mostly canadian money though.....
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