There's protest a-brewin' over price hikes at the Crossbar, including $9 for a pitcher of Labatt. There's talk among D- and I-league coordinators of a boycott, and even talk of moving post-game gatherings to another bar. We can't support moving to another bar. How lame would it be to schlep over to the same bar where ChrisChris losers imbibe with their generic buddies? I'm out. The CrossBar is our bar.
But I would throw in for a boycott. They want $9 for the equivalent of five plastic cups of cheap beer? If the management at Sonny Bryan's had any imagination, they'd use beer as a loss-leader (duh) and make their profit on food. We're starving up there.
C'mon folks. It's hockey. It's beer. And, it's un-American to gouge on a foodstaple like beer.
I'm in! Those beer prices are ridiculous! Parking lot, here I come!
I stand in support with Blog Captain.
We stay at cross bar, But Boycotts are some good leverage.
I stand in support with Blog Captain.
We stay at cross bar, But Boycotts are some good leverage.
im drinking during my games
I'm on board! Way to go, Blog Captain! The oppressed beer swilling, hockey playing masses must rise up against this injustice!
This is unfair taxation without representation!
Injustice shall not stand!
I say to you, my countrymen, rise up! Give me cheap beer or give me death!
Lenin promised bread and water to the masses and launched a revolution! Just think where the Soviet Union would have been if he promised beer & pizza?
Вы, капитан Blog камрада другой! На с витке!
He taxed their property,
He didn't give them any choice,
And back in England,
He didn't give them any voice.
(That's called taxation without representation,
and it's not fair!)
But when the Colonies complained
The king said: "I don't care!"
He even has the nerve
To tax our cup of tea.
To put it kindly, King,
We really don't agree.
Gonna show you how we feel.
We're gonna dump this tea
And turn this harbor into
The biggest cup of tea in history!
i liked it better when we talked about ringers
so, when do we start?
Isn't Babydoll's right down the road?
Did anyone else notice that the price of beer changed after ringers became more frequent?
No, the price of beer changed after JEFF VAUGHN scored a goal...
That's the real story here...
For those who miss RingerTalk:
Wikipedia says ...
"Ringer is a term with several meanings:
In colloquial English language, it refers to a superior contestant or specialist who is clandestinely brought into an event or team to bolster its capabilities. In horse or greyhound racing, a ringer is a fast animal pretending to be another, with poorer or no 'form', in the expectation that bookmakers will offer better odds than if they knew its real abilities. The original M*A*S*H movie included a plot in which the character, Capt. Oliver Harmon 'Spearchucker' Jones played by Fred Williamson, a former professional American football player, is used as a secret weapon. He is described several times as the 'ringer' and his presence is concealed until late in the game in order to secure good odds in a bet."
Wiki also sez:
"Beer is the world's oldest and most popular alcoholic beverage, selling more than 133 billion litres (35 billion gallons) per year - producing total global revenues of $331.8 billion in 2004."
Did you hear about the three-legged dog who walked into a saloon?
Bartender says: You want a beer?
Dog says: No, I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw.
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Why the long face?"
A horse's ass walks into a bar ... and raises the price to $9 a pitcher!!!!!
That's why the long face ...
A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other.
She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says,'I suppose you won't be needing a drink.' Naked lady says-- "OOHHHH Shiit!!"
It was a much better blog when we harassed the Borrachos.
YAY Jason!
YAY Shawn!
Borrachos sucks!
It's kinda nice not being b*tched about....funny how that happend when we lose.
Fickle internet people
Did you hear that Michael Jackson got food poisoning?
Wait for it....
He ate a five year old weiner.
Strother's been boycotting the Crossbar for years.
I have yet to ever see him buy his own beer.
Strother buying beer, the white elephant, Loch Ness Monster, yeah I've heard stories of all of them.......but I've never seen any of them.
BC defeated BAC....again
this is getting old.
Shoulda been at the crossbar Sunday
Just score Dean ... and I'll buy ...
Truth be told Strother bought me a beer at the crossbar on Sunday!
I must be "special" or he has a man crush on me or something...
Strother bought me 2 beers on Sunday at the crossbar!
He must have a "man crush" on me.
BAC: Did you find your stick?
Check up the ass of one of the Borrachos
"BC defeated BAC....again
this is getting old"
bac....you are 1 and forever....losing to anyone should be old by now son..
hey bac where are the sat game matchups? I just love em'
they'll be here soon enough.
We are waiting to get Jeff Vaughan's Predictions...
Here is a prediction...
Pitchers of import beer [aka Labatts] will be $11.00 instead of the already over priced $9.00.
I wish the email barrage I'm getting on this topic would be over here instead of my in box. I wish I could disable the reply all option a few people's email. By the way, switching to water will help with weight loss (as well as revenue loss for those greedy SOB's at Sonny Bryans)
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