Week 5: "Seperation Saturday" occurs this weekend as the standings will be shaken up after some key matchups.....
Komets vs True.com 8pm (Gold)
Beginning of the Season, no one would have really thought this to be a game of importance, not to mention a game where Viking-like battles would ensue. But think again…Both teams want to prove the league wrong…a win would be huge for both squads.
Blue Devils vs Shockers 8:15 (Green)
Blue Devils trying to rebound from heartbreaker last week. Shockers look to play spoiler to the BDs.
Stickmen vs Spiders 9:15 (Gold)
I league Game of the Night
2 teams looking to gain foothold on second place and possibly first? Both teams offenses and Defenses will have their work cut out for them in this game. Should really be a good game…..pictures would be appreciated.
Patriots vs Snipers 9:30 (Green)
Snipers just want a win. Patriots just want to put more than 1 in the net.
Brewzers vs Fugaweez 10:30 (Gold)
This has the makings of a great game. Fugs win…they’re magic number is like down to 1 or 2 for the keg game, who knows. Brewzers win……the whole standings would be more screwed up than the BCS. Chaos would abound.
Wolverines vs Ice Holes 10:45 (Green)
Ice Holes trying to find themselves. Bobby Sirkis Jr is trying to find his flask on the bench.
Stingers vs Puckers 11:45 (Gold)
A win by the stingers means more Standing insainity. BRING IT ON!!!
UPDATE! the spider v. stickmen game was swapped to 8:15
Can we get confirmation?
The front desk at the StarCenter confirms 8:15 p.m. for Stickmen vs. Spiders.
So did the Brewzers win?
Brewzers lost
OMG are the fugaweez that good?
it was a great bloddy battle, excellent goal tending on both ends and Jamil and an awesome face off-esk goal, but still came up a little short.
hats off to the brewzers, they played with a lot of heart and we (fugaweez)were fortunate enough to win in the end.i agree with above statement for i was the one that got stunned on that great goal! i league is very competive this session up and down the board i woudn't really say anybody's better than anybody else.
Ditto, from another Fugaweez guy. Great job, awesome game. Everybody gave it all they had -
Good luck to all teams next week.
Hey Fugaweez why is Don Inman not on the team anymore?
He was only sub for summer session. Bobby was our goalie from seasons past.
Lucky Puckers certainly brought their "A" game.
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