This just in from the we-read-it-so-you-don't-have-to department, a Toronto Sun columnist argues that the NHL should ban composite sticks because they've changed the game. Now, the argument goes, any idiot can hit a hard shot, making the game more dangerous and giving defensemen a hard time in transition.
If he thinks anyone can hit a hard shot with a composite, this columnist obviously hasn't watched an I-league game.
Discuss amongst yourselves ... any of you folks still use wood?
I think that is nonsense. You can break a composite stick just the same as a wood stick. I know it cause I've broke a composite stick in a D-league game in the past. So I think the NHL should not band those sticks.
I've got tried them all and my shot still sucks. All that high tech stuff is wasted on me so I go go the cheapest route...
i concur... i use composite and shot still sucks.. but i didn't switch to it because of the shot. it is lighter and easier to manuver around. and in my opinion, it is easier to break composite then it is to break a solid wood stick...
I heard that Referee Olson loooooooooooves the wood.
I heard he prefers the wood too. The stiffer the better.
I've had the same ol' wood shaft for years - still hasn't broken.
i watched a player try the switch from composite to wood. he bought three wood sticks, took three slap shots, bought a new composite.
I'm old school. I've been using a wood stick for over 20 years. It is impossible to beat the feel that a wood hockey stick has on the puck. The only reason to use a composite stick is if you know how to make a good slap shot. Not many I leagers can do this. If you are using composite because Modano does, you are wasting your money.
I switched from wood to composite not to improve my shot but because of "golfer's elbow" tendon problems (and the Brahmas had 'em for sale at unbelievably low prices). The difference in stick weight has made a tremendous difference with my elbow and so far, I have broken neither wood nor composite sticks. I also think that my shot speed has increased with the composite a little - from "I think it's moving but I may have missed it" to "Yes I hit it but the snail will still intercept it".
i switched to composite for the same tennis elbow reason. my problem has mostly been solved. you can't beat the lighter weight.
Even the people who take placebo pills in drug studies "feel better". Maybe health plans should cover the additional costs if composite sticks. Regardless of the science, people who feel "better" are not likely to go to the doctor. Can this equal a reduction in my USA hockey fees?
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