It's not exactly the Stanley Cup, but it's ours. Following this month's 7-1 victory over Grapevine in the fourth Grapevine/Euless I-League Death Match, Komets' coordinator Bruce Frankel turned the victor's beer keg (which had been full, by the way ... hmmm) into this doozy of a perpetual trophy.
Replied Grapevine coordinator Steve Kaeppel: "We look forward to winning it back!"
Replied Euless I-Leaguers (now 4-0 in the series): Um, we don't think so. -- BC

That is awesome.
I remember I was in net for the 1st Euless vs Grapevine match up.
so who gets to keep the Keg-rophy?
is it housed some where real secure like A.B.C.'s closet and handled only with white silk gloves?? LMAO... nahh but for real where is it?
Actualy, the "Keg-rophy" is proudly anchored in our Euless Trophy case: On the top of the Beer Freezer next to the stanley keg.
Swwwweeeeetttttt!!!!! Dude!
Come On!! Do you guys want to play a Duncanville I-League team?? It`s all in FUN!! When and Where??
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