We've asked, but don't yet know, whether the league breaks into divisions like last season or if we're reverting to the old one-big-division format. For now, we'll go with this. We've also asked whether the Brewzers are indeed playing two games July 29. Obviously not, so stay tuned for a schedule tweak. My guess is the Stickmen (not BZ) play the Patriots that night ...
The updated schedule for July 29 reads thusly:
7:15 p.m.: Patriots vs. Puckers
8:30 p.m.: Brewzers vs. Blue Devils
9 p.m.: Phantoms vs. Stingers
9:45 p.m.: Fugaweez vs. Snipers
10:15 p.m.: Stickmen vs. Ice Holes
11 p.m. : Komets vs. REDRUM
11:30 p.m.: Wolverines vs. Spiders
1 comment:
Updated schedule for July 29
29-Jul Sat. 715PM Green Patriots Puckers Game
29-Jul Sat. 830PM Green Brewzers Blue Devils Game
29-Jul Sat. 900PM Gold Phantoms Stingers Game
29-Jul Sat. 945PM Green Fugaweez Snipers Game
29-Jul Sat. 1015PM Gold Stickmen Ice Holes Game
29-Jul Sat. 1100PM Green Komets REDRUM Game
29-Jul Sat. 1130PM Gold Wolverines Spiders Game
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