We've been running this blog for about six weeks now. What do you think? What do you hate, love, etc.? What would make this more useful to you? Suggestions, please. Blog Captain is taking a poll this week and thinking about whether to continue this endeavor next season. Please take the time to click on "comment" below and tell me what you think.
I like this site. Keep up the good work.
Love the site. It is one of my home pages!
Keep up the good work.
This is a great site. You have all the scores and details of every game. Keep up the good work, You're
doing a great Job.
I love the blog. It's a really informative site. Our team has come to depend on this site for the game schedules and we like to read up on what's going on with the other teams. You're doing a great job!! I hope you keep the blog going next season!
i agree, i've come to this page first for any league updates. excellent job thanks
Great site!!! It's nice to be able to get game results and league updates easily. Your doing a fantastic job. Thanks for investing the time to perform this needed task.
I really appreciate having all the info about the league in one place. It's great to have the recaps in sports-short form. Thank you for the great work you are doing.
REALLY appreciate all your work in keeping this site up and going. Excellent game reviews and nice stat files.
Thank you for your hard work, and love the site!
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