Sunday, September 30, 2007

D-League Playoffs

The schedule is out for playoffs this week. The big question was whether Hockey Team was in or out. Well, they're in, and as the No. 1 seed. Think about that what you will.

Anyway, our friends over at the Euless Sr Stars blog (Who are doing a nice job, if only because they mention me.) are predicting Hockey Team won't survive the first round. Hmmm. We predict HT won't send out quite the same short-bench team we've seen since the aborted move to C league.

Here's the schedule:

Single-elimination round
8:30 p.m. -- Hockey Team vs Misfits
10 p.m. -- Blue Devils vs Yokels

Best of 3 Finals
9 p.m. -- Game 1
10:30 p.m. -- Game 2
Monday (Oct. 8)
9 p.m. -- Game 3 (if necessary)



Anonymous said...

I thought the Hockey Team was supposed to be moved out?

Anonymous said...

Can't the StarCenter make up their minds on the Hockey Team issue ?

Their out. Their in. Their out. Their in.

One thing for sure, there had better not be a team called "Hockey Team" in the 'D' league next season. If some of those guys want to play in the 'D' league, they need to change their jerseys and their attitudes. Anyone wearing those red Cobra jerseys is going to be a marked man over the next few seasons.

The Hockey Team question needs to be answered before a lot of teams decide to hand their fall season checks over to the StarCenter.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If the teams that are planning on returning withhold their team payments, it just might get their attention. It's about the only leverage we have. Nothing else seems to work.

Anonymous said...

our you can load up......thats what we did

Anonymous said...

i like how everyone accuses the ht of being dirty, then threatens them with being "marked" How is that not a little hypocritical

Anonymous said...

it is what it is. ht is a bunch of jackbooted thugs. heard they are threatening a move to nytex, but only if they can play in d-league.