Wednesday, November 05, 2008

In the News

Here's something different, let's see if I survive.

The economy is in the dumps, and just like with everybody else, the best way to make things better is to spread it around. Therefore the stock market is falling on the Stars. Marty isn't the best goalie in the league as per usual, he's not even the best Marty in the league, despite Brodeur being inactive now. Biron is kicking his arse. It isn't all on Marty, though. How much longer can we go without Lehtinen and Zubov? I really liked the idea of signing of Avery, and it is now obvious that not only would I make a terrible NHL general manager, but so would a couple of other guys. . . Oh my sweet lord, someone please help the Stars!

Are there any good teams in the area anymore?

What about me?

This weekend, I will be burying my head in the sand. After being showed-up by the Privateers, Ice Bats, and for Pete's sake the Chiefs.

I had been looking forward to dealing out a little sumthin'-sumthin' to those Blue Devils, but I just don't think I can show my face in the place.

I am retreating to Lubbock, to sit at the feet of Mike Leach. To learn how to win. The remainder of my free time in the work week will be spent at the Mike Moore Goaltending Clinic. So watch out next week.

Elsewhere. . .

Do you remember how you felt in the weeks after 9/11? There was a feeling of patriotism that permeated the entirety of the country. It cut across racial and political lines. You felt proud to be an American.

Unfortunately, it came at a great expense. And, the intense sadness of the whole event often overpowered the collective embrace. Often, there was an anger boiling-up.

I voted for the first time last week, and I Barack-ed the vote. I felt good doing my part as an American. I didn't start to feel anything as powerful as those seven years ago until last night.

I am only thirty-two and I'm not black, and will never be able to understand the extent to which the American life can be distorted just by the color of your skin, but it is humbling to think of how much has changed in what is only a long lifetime. On the verge of tears myself, I listened to the testimonies of men and women who had endured inhuman treatment, constant oppression, and their overwhelming disbelief, to be at the precipice of such a moment in this nation's history. The unthinkable. A black president.

I certainly hope that no matter your political affiliation that you will realize what a positive moment this is, how much healing and unity can result from this one event. I feel good to be an American, again. It doesn't solve everything. It doesn't solve a lot of things. It is a huge step toward the American ideal, where anyone can go as far as their will can carry them.

I don't know if this will come across the way I want it to, but, this time it is a purer feeling, because it comes without that expense, without the sadness, fear, and anger. The payment is the event itself.


Anonymous said...

Who are you? Oprah?


Anonymous said...

I knew rap music would be the downfall of this country.

Hope you feel the same in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

All proceeds of the Mike Moore Goaltending clinic go to Help Turco Make A Save Foundation.- M Moore

Anonymous said...

He needs to make a save first !!!

Anonymous said...

four years my ASS! The next 8 years! Hold on !!

Anonymous said...

Rap is crap!

Anonymous said...

Does this make it an appropriate time for me to mention the fact that when I saw Tom Hicks give Sarah Palin a Stars jersey, it made me throw up a little bit?

bcIII said...


Did you take the link to your clinic? I like the diagram best.


Unknown said...

He gave her #2 right?.. Cus she is poop.

Anonymous said...

Where's the best place to get your skates sharpened? I used to go to Player's Bench but since they closed haven't found another place I really trust.

Anonymous said...

Can we keep politics off of our HOCKEY site, please? Is the next post going to be about how wonderful Kabbalah is??

Anonymous said...

Kabbalah! LOLZ, so topical.

Anonymous said...

go to the starcenter shop and have shane sharpen them. he knows what he's doing.


Anonymous said...

the point was politics and religion...

littleA said...

jon made his trip to Lubbock... It was to run a half marathon against his little sister: me. I won. He suck, please make fun of him. ;) Love you jon!

littleA said...

i meant to say he sucks... i guess he suck too.

Anonymous said...

yes please leave politics and your opinion about them off of this site. I get that crap crammed down my throat 24/7 elsewhere. So please have a dream on another blog...this is supposed to be for us to gripe about hockey and ringers and Ginger. (No offense Ginger but your name gets posted a lot.


Danny - Blue Devils

But since you are in the mood to make history...why don't you go read some. Start with Karl Marx and the socialist theology. Then catch up on a couple of treaties: Like:

- Law of the Sea Treaty
- Global Poverty Act
- Kyoto Protocal

Then ask yourself if you care about electing the first African American President or national sovereignty. Don't even get me started on Taxes or the global tax that these treaties represent. Your Pres-elect just seems to think they're great!

Anonymous said...

Dear Danny,
If you really think that politics should be kept off of this site, please don't start with that oversimplified crap about Obama being a socialist, communist, or whatever term the Fox News network is using this week, and kindly STFU. We've been redistributing wealth to the rich for the last 8 years, and obviously people are sick of that shit, hence Obama winning by a landslide. Some of the money we've been dumping into Halliburton and failing banks actually has the potential to come back to us now- I'm not real sure why you're bitching about it. Wake up. Trickle down hasn't worked, and it never will. You may not agree with Obama's policy- that's fine, this is America, and you're entitled to think what you want, but continuing to call it by the name that McCain political staffers came up with to try and scare voters is nothing short of retarded. Don't act like those of us who voted for him are unaware of history or current events, or that we just cared about having an African-American president. We just don't agree with YOU. Take your condescending douchebaggery somewhere else. And yes, I'd be cool with keeping this an exclusively hockey blog as well. But don't act like politics shouldn't be discussed and then bait people who don't share your philosophy. That's bullshit.
P.S. I'm pretty sure socialism is a philosophy, not a theology, because it's unrelated to religion.
P.S.S. Blue devils are a bunch of ringers. Not really. You guys are fine, regardless of what that one guys says.
sunshine and cupcakes,

Anonymous said...

7:30 WOW, Whos the redneck now ?

Anonymous said...

Its funny that both of you guys say that this should be a hockey only blog and that we should not discuss politics but neither of you can keep the politics to yourself! Hilarious!!!

Since everyone else is discussing politics, I might as well put my plug in for Morrow 2012!

-Chiefs 27

Anonymous said...

Damn! Way to tell it, Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sorry..thought I was on a hockey blog...didn't realize I stumbled across the Democratic National Defense Blog. By the way... Americans only come in a 3 color trifecta--RED WHITE AND BLUE!! I don't give a damn about color or political party and it's sad that so many people voted just for the whole black issue. I don't make $45,000 or more and I'm not near retirement, so I'm not in the group to lose everything anyway. I'll enjoy spending your money over the next 4 years--thank you for your tax dollars and retirement funds--I'll spend a lot of it on hockey if that makes you feel better when you lose it all to us poor guys. Hope you like your job--you'll be there a while

Anonymous said...

Me only play hockey. Me not know poly-ticks. Me like to go fast on ice and make people fall down go boom. Me like hockey.

The other Ellis (Whalers)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why is Danny a douchebag for having a different opinion? You say everyone is entitled to one then personally attack someone because they disagree with your beliefs? Seems a little hypocritical.

Anonymous said...


I would be happy to sit down and discuss this with any point. All I can say is, "Leave the name calling at the door and do your homework." Otherwise I will eat your lunch on these topics.

As for Socialism being a philosophy; you are correct. However, theology was used for a reason and it has been used before. It becomes more dangerous when it becomes an element of theology. This is because people can and have affirmed the relationship of socialism to religion. In defining socialism as the historic effort to ''domesticate the market and terminate unnecessary human inequalities,'' it can be viewed and presented as our savior. ''The idea of redemption suggests that socialism has something religious about it. As a secular derivative of Judeo-Christian millennialism, socialism has had a theology, an account of first and last things, and its earthly bodies resembled churches and sects.' (Liberation theology finds its roots here – and is preached in churches all over America every Sunday)

So you can use theology in this regard.

As for the Fox news reference, hrmmm quite the insult to my intelligence. Some people read and form their own opinion. Fox news is a subsidiary of Fox Broadcasting Company. You should look-up all of the companies and interest owned by this company. You might realize that they are just another media mogul pandering to the conservative base to make a buck. Damn capitalist. Geez dude

I would suggest you watch Glenn Beck…he is on CNN. ;)

As for Obama winning in a landslide; he did, but it was an electoral landslide and not a popular vote landslide. The system worked and the man that should have won based on the construct of our system, did in fact win. No argument here…don’t forget the percentage of Americans that disagreed. The same as with Bush…we are just as polarized as ever.

The reason I am bitching is because my Taxes are going to go up and I believe in the fundamental right of an American to his/her property. I detest any government claiming rights to it, be that foreign or domestic, republican or democrat.

Read my statement again I did not make a case for electing John McCain, and I never called Obama a communist. I simply stated that national sovereignty must be maintained at all cost. There are Republicans that support those initiatives that I set forth for consideration as well.

As for the name calling…really? Douchebaggery << kind of funny

Finally…Trickle Down Economics:

Has a broke man ever given you a job?


Anonymous said...

Danny- I swear, I am going to try and kill this right here, cause I have gotten into have already spent far too much time in internet political arguments than I am comfortable with. First of all- douchebaggery was really meant to be funny, and I'm sorry if it came across as really harsh- I forget that not everyone uses words like that on an everyday basis. Let me make it clear that any hostility has nothing to do with your beliefs- trust me, I play with guys that seem to lean far more to the right than yourself- and more to do with the tone of your first post, which seemed to say that Ellis and anyone else who voted for Obama did it based on the fact that he was black, rather than his policies, which seems to assume that we are pretty stupid. Not to say that some people didn't elect him for that reason (probably just as many voted for McCain based on race as well), but for most of us, it's a happy addition to this moment but by no means a consideration. As for socialism- I think it's generally used in a pretty nasty way most of the time because everyone knows that Americans are uncomfortable with it, and that's how I've been hearing it for the past year or two. Sorry for lumping you in with the other 150 times I've heard it used- this election season makes me cranky. I'll admit that Democrats are closer to Socialism than Conservatives most of the time (at least actual conservatives, as you seem to be), but I guess fundamentally I'm alright with it. I don't think any amount of talking on my part would change your views and vice versa. I'm fine with paying pretty high taxes if they're going to something noble- if it means my patients can actually afford healthcare, or that kids in low income schools actually have a hope of getting a decent education, neither of which are the case now. I'll admit I probably will never be anywhere close to the income bracket that's taxed, but I know several who are and they seem to have a little to spare- again, not a universal rule and not really the point for you.
As for trickle down- I don't suggest making businesses "broke", I just feel that little of the benefit actually gets down to the workers. Even if a company is booming and jobs are stable or expanding, there's no guarantee the people at the top aren't keeping the wealth for themselves and paying their workers for shit- not really an economic stimulus on a large scale. It seems like this is what happens more often than not, and it's kind of infuriating hearing how much of these tax cuts ultimately go to CEO bonus and retirement packages.
That's it. Sorry for any hostility, again, it just irks me when the assumption seems to be that ideological is equivocal with naive or stupid.

Anonymous said...

^*idealistic, I mean. What a tard.

Anonymous said...

Danny... Hey, I consider myself a conservative but obviously not as well read as you. In Acts 2:44 there is a description of the first church "All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need." Do you think some people confuse this with socialism? Actually, these people were not forced to sell their stuff to take care of others... they did it because it was the right thing to do. I don't think the government can simulate good morals & compassion. I say, let the people do good works on their own and don't force us. The more I'm pushed, the more I resist.

The other Ellis

Anonymous said...

Go, Go, Libertians!

Anonymous said...

I will respond but not tonight! :)

Ryan I hear you and no worries. I apologize as well if my comments came across as condescending, this was not my intent.

Be prepared though...after my next posting you will be proclaiming conservative views from the mountain tops! Much like Ron Burgandy declared his love for Veronica Corningstone! :)


Anonymous said...

I doubt it. But at least we know, liberal or conservative, that Anchorman unites all.

bcIII said...

You see, the spirit of hope and change is bringing us all together. The liberal will dwell with the conservative, the republican shall lie down with the democrat; the poor, the rich, and the middle-class will be together; and a junior senator from chicago will lead them.

Anonymous said...

the poor and the rich and middle class will certainly all be together...for they should all be poor!

Anonymous said...

I had some really good nachos and a Redline Xtreme the other day on the way home...I also found a great way to kill time on heavy traffic--i try to spot how many stupid drivers have "WTF" in their license plate--you'd be surprised--quite a few. I might go watch something on tv now since the political debates are over for about 3 years or so till they start up in a bid for the next 4. I sure hope you guys can get to the pint of cold beer and a hockey game in the Crossbar--politics are never a friendly converation