Thursday, October 12, 2006

Reader question: Jerseys

Reader "anonymous" posts the following comment:
Does anyone have a recommendation for getting team jerseys done? Have you guys gone to someone local or order them online?

Anyone? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

When I was on a team at ITC we ordered a Dark and White jersey with logo and number on back for $80.00

Anonymous said...

Team blue devils on D & I leagues got their's done by - They do a great job!

Anonymous said...

Patriots purchased both sets from River City Sports. You can find pretty much the same designs of jerseys at lots of places for a wide range of prices. Our costs ended up around 50$ per jersey.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for anwering the question guys - RCS seems like they're the best out there - they say they're going to have a new website in November specifically for ordering team jerseys online.

Anonymous said...

Do not forget to check with Perani's. I have been doing team jerseys out of Canada for a couple of years then checked with Perani's on a whim and they (Ice Holes) were 37 bucks and included socks. They just bought a company who does nothing but jerseys. I will always use them from now on.